Jeremiah Chapter 35 Summary

Obedience of the Rechabites in the reign of Jeholakim.

Discussion Questions for Jeremiah, Chapter 35

  1. Who was Jehoiakim? Why was Jehoiakim so important? What was Jehoiakim’s lineage? How important is one’s lineage when it comes to present-day living? Why? Why is it such an amazing blessing to know that when one comes to Christ, he or she is then called by God's Word a child of God?
  2. Who are the Rechabites? Why are they important? Why is it important to sometimes go against the flow of the crowd?
  3. Why did God instruct Jeremiah to offer the Rechabites wine? Why do teachers give tests in school? How can you learn when you fail a test? Why does God test us? What are some blessings and/or rewards that can come when you pass a certain test? Why is it that we sometimes learn more from failing than we do from passing a test or tests?
  4. Why did the Rechabites refuse to drink the wine offered to them? How can you keep the oaths and promises you have made? Why is it important to keep your word? What are some of the consequences for failing to keep a promise or oath you have made? Why do people make promises?
  5. Why did God say that He was bringing doom upon Judah and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem? (verse 17 NKJV) Why does sin have such strong consequences? Why is it that no one ever really gets away with sin? How can we overcome sin? What are some specific actions one can take to get redeemed and empowered to overcome sin daily?
  6. Was God pleased with the Rechabites? Why?
  7. What did the Rechabites do that was different than most all of the other Israelites and Judeans? Why is it that sometimes following the crowd can be a trap? What is more important, following your heart or following God’s Word? Why?
  8. Why did the Rechabites, known for being nomadic, suddenly move into Jerusalem? Do we need to be flexible in our own plans? Why? How can you be flexible concerning plans? Why is it that missionaries serving in foreign countries often say that flexibility is the number one trait one needs in order to be successful on a mission trip? What were some of the ways in which the disciples were flexible as they followed Christ?
  9. How did God intend to reward the Rechabites for their obedience to their father's commands? Is it worth it to obey your parents? Is it worth the effort to obey God? How has God rewarded you? What motivates you to obey or disobey when you are commanded to do something? Why?
  10. Why did Israel and Judah fail to obey God's commands? Is it ever a good idea to disobey God's clear commands? Why? What are some consequences for disobeying God's commands? What are some of the rewards for obeying God's Word? What does it mean when the Scripture says we reap what we sow? Why is it that reaping and sowing is not just about farming, but also applies to spiritual life? How?

Key Words/Phrase

Obedience, v. 8.


God, Jeremiah, Jehoiakim, Jaazaniah, sons of Hanan, Jonadab, Nebuchadnezzar.

Strong Verse(s)