Jeremiah Chapter 32 Summary

Sign of the field of Hanameel. Jeremiah's second persecution, his prayer and Jehovah's answer.

Discussion Questions for Jeremiah, Chapter 32

  1. Why does Zedekiah lock Jeremiah up in the court of the prison? Zedekiah apparently did not like Jeremiah’s prophecy concerning him and Israel, and yet it seems he did give some credence to what Jeremiah said. Why is it that people will not always be pleased with you when you share the truth of God’s Word? How is it a loving action to share the truth even though it may possibly hurt someone’s feelings? For example, is it loving and correct for a physician to tell a patient they have a bad disease—or should they try to hide the truth?
  2. How did Zedekiah react to Jeremiah’s prophecy that Babylon would capture Israel and that Zedekiah would be captured too? Do you believe what everyone tells you? Why or why not? How do you react to advice you may not like hearing? What are the factors that would make you more willing to listen to someone’s advice?
  3. Why did Jeremiah buy a field in Anathoth? (must read whole chapter to answer) How has The Lord assured you that His Word is trustworthy? Has God ever given you an impression or a sign that He will perform His promises to you? If yes, how and why did He do it?
  4. Why did God allow Israel and Judah to suffer calamity? How does sin cause problems in a person's and in a nation's life? What are some ways in which God can heal and take away trouble from our lives? How do we accept God's solutions for life's calamities?
  5. What were the combined calamities that caused Jerusalem to fall to the Chaldeans? Why does it often seem that life's problems and difficulties can multiply all at once (“when it rains it pours” phenomenon)? What is Murphy's Law…and why does it ring so true in many people's experiences? How does trusting in God's Word help in overriding Murphy's Law (see John 10:10, Romans 8:28, Philippians 4:13)?
  6. What is an abomination? What were the abominations of Baal and Molech? Why does God always want first place in our lives? How do we put God in first place and at the center of our lives? What are some of the great benefits of having God as number one in our lives?
  7. What did Jeremiah’s field represent? What was it a sign of? Why was Jeremiah so confident that the Israelites would eventually come back to the Promised Land? What are you confident about when it comes to God’s promises? Why is it that some people do not trust God or His Word when all the evidence shows that He never breaks His promises? How has God been faithful and true in your life?
  8. What does The Lord predict will happen in the future for the Israelites? They were in the middle of God's plan of judgment for their nation—could we also possibly be caught in the middle of God's bigger plan? What does it mean to realize that we do not know the future—but God does know the future? What does it mean to live by faith? How does faith enable one to overcome the uncertainties of life? How does faith work? Why does God ask us to put our faith in Him?
  9. What does it mean to give someone your back, but not your face? Has someone or some group ever neglected you? Why does it feel bad to be neglected? What are some of the ramifications for a person who has been negligent? Why is it that negligence can be so very impactful? (For example, to neglect to take care of your car will likely cause it to break down. What are some examples of human relationships being neglected which have then caused them to “break down?”)
  10. God says He taught Israel and Judah thoroughly and regularly, but He points out that it did not help them. Why? God's Word can help us today, but what must we do to make God's Word effective in our lives?

Key Words/Phrase

Chastisement and promises, v. 42.


God, Jeremiah, Zedekiah, Nebuchadnezzar, Hanameel, Barach.

Strong Verse(s)

17, 19, 27.