Jeremiah Chapter 31 Summary

Israel in the last days.

Discussion Questions for Jeremiah, Chapter 31

  1. God had previously dispersed and punished Israel and Judah for their sins. What does it mean that the Lord is now gathering Israel and Judah back together into their homeland?
  2. What kind of love does God have for Israel? What kind of love does God have for you? What does the Bible mean when it uses the Greek word agape to describe God's love? As a Christian, how can we share and show God's love to others? Why should we share God's love?
  3. Why should people sing and give praise for Jacob (i.e. Israel)?
  4. How will God accomplish His plan of bringing Israel back to their homeland?
  5. What is a remnant? Why is the concept of a remnant important (cf. Romans 9:27 & 11:4–5)?
  6. After Israel returns to their land, there will be great rejoicing. What causes such great joy and rejoicing?
  7. How can our mourning and our sorrow be replaced with God's joy and comfort? What steps can we take to enter into God's joy, God's abundance, and God's comfort?
  8. What is meant by having your teeth set on edge? Are you responsible for your father's sins or your own sins? How do the sins of your parents and other family members affect you? What are some relevant and practical ways to overcome the sinful influences that arise both in and around you?
  9. Why is the New Covenant so much better than the Old Covenant? What are some of the ways in which it is better?
  10. Will God ever forsake Israel? Why or why not?

Key Words/Phrase

New covenant, v. 31.



Strong Verse(s)

3, 33, 34.