Jeremiah Chapter 3 Summary

Jeremiah's message concerning the impenitence of Judah. Encouragement to backsliders to return and repent.

Discussion Questions for Jeremiah, Chapter 3

  1. How has Judah “played the whore (ESV)?” What does that mean? How do some churches do this today?
  2. Jeremiah 3:1 communicates that Israel wants to have a relationship with the Lord and with its other lovers. Do you think God is pleased with this arrangement? Why or why not?
  3. Why does God compare Israel to Judah? What is the significance of Judah’s sin compared to Israel?
  4. In 3:10, Judah is shamed for returning to God with only pretense. Why is Jeremiah concerned with the heart of the people? What does it look like to turn to God with your whole heart?
  5. What do we learn about God through his offer to Israel in 3:12–14?
  6. What does it mean in 3:16 that the “ark of the covenant...shall not come to mind (ESV)?” How might this relate to the work of Jesus?
  7. Why did God bring discipline on Judah? Why does God discipline us? Did Judah listen? What might we expect if we refuse to listen to God's discipline?
  8. In 3:15, God promises to give them shepherds after his own heart. Who is described in this way? How does this relate to Jesus? What does a good shepherd look like?
  9. What are the elements of confession described in 3:25? Why are these important?
  10. What time is referred to by the phrase “in those days (ESV)?” Have these days happened yet? How do you know?

Key Words/Phrase

Backsliding Israel, v. 11.


God, Jeremiah.

Strong Verse(s)

4, 23.