Jeremiah Chapter 19 Summary

Sign of potter's house, concluded. Coming calamities

Discussion Questions for Jeremiah, Chapter 19

  1. How is the people sacrificing their sons to Baal different than God sacrificing His own son?
  2. What is the purpose of God referencing that their fathers do not worship the gods they claim? How can we learn from the right things people before us have done?
  3. What confidence can a believer in good standing with the Lord gain from reading this chapter? What has Jeremiah been worried about in earlier chapters? (See Jeremiah 12:1-4)
  4. How does God use Topheth as a type of hell? In what ways can this specific destruction be used as an example of what to avoid in our lives and in the people of Israel’s life in that time?
  5. How should we view the people of Hinnom in light of God using them as an example of hell in the New Testament? (Gehenna of Fire)
  6. How can we see God’s love in this passage? Who exactly in this story is the recipient of the love of God? What does this tell us about what God cares about?
  7. How can we further apply the metaphor of the broken pot to our lives just as God applied it to the valley of Hinnom?
  8. Who is Jeremiah commanded to break the pot in front of? Who is being taught a lesson through the pronounced judgment? What sins should we be turning from so that we do not end up with the same fate?
  9. In what ways have we stiffened our necks to God’s rebuking? How should this chapter affect our lives?
  10. What does verse 11 say about our sin and how it cannot be mended? How do we read this in light of Jesus and his sacrifice?

Key Words/Phrase

Broken, v. 11.


Jeremiah, Kings of Judah.

Strong Verse(s)