Jeremiah Chapter 15 Summary
Message on the drought, concluded. The people abandoned to ruin. Jeremiah complains of his hardships.
Discussion Questions for Jeremiah, Chapter 15
- What is the significance of mentioning Moses and Samuel? How are they comparative to Jeremiah? What are the similarities and differences between their circumstances?
- How is God affecting more than just the people of Judah by declaring judgment on them? Why does Jeremiah include verse 4? What are its implications?
- In what ways could we relate to Judah continuing to go backwards? How is living under the New Covenant different than the people of Jeremiah’s time?
- How could a loving God who also commands us to care for widows then go and create them among the people of Judah? Why is this just or unjust?
- Jeremiah tends to forget God’s blessings when he is struggling. In what ways do we also do the same? How does instant gratification culture affect our ability to remember what God has done in the past?
- Is their treasures a good sacrifice to the Lord for the forgiveness of sins? What is a good sacrifice? Who ultimately gave them the treasures that they are now losing?
- What does the Bible say about suffering for righteousness’ sake? How has Jeremiah suffered for righteousness? How has this truth changed or stayed the same throughout the entire biblical narrative? Why?
- How does God’s repeated faithfulness affect Jeremiah’s trust in His plan to help the people of Judah? How does this affect your trust of the Lord?
- Why does Jeremiah say he “ate” the Word of God? Why is it significant? How can we have a similar attitude to Jeremiah about ingesting the Word of God?
- How should Jeremiah act after God reveals His plan for Jeremiah’s life? How should we react as we learn more and more about what God has in store for us?
Key Words/Phrase
Destruction, v. 6.
God, Jeremiah, Moses, Samuel.
Strong Verse(s)
16, 21.