Jeremiah Chapter 12 Summary

Message on the broken covenant, concluded. Jeremiah's complaint to God and God's rebuke.

Discussion Questions for Jeremiah, Chapter 12

  1. How does Jeremiah begin his complaint concerning the righteous and the wicked? Why is calling on God's good character significant in this instance? In what ways can we recognize God's character when we are grieved? Why is this important?
  2. Jeremiah contrasts his own righteousness with the unfaithfulness of the inhabitants of Jerusalem. Do you think his assessment of the people is warranted? Why or why not?
  3. Jeremiah cannot reconcile how the people speak of God but do not love Him. What might this look like? In what ways do we see this prevalent concept in our modern society? How can we live for Christ in a Post-Christian Society?
  4. Why does Jeremiah wrestle with the prosperity of the unfaithful? How do we see this in our own world? How can we be content with the circumstances we are in? In what ways is God using your circumstances to teach and refine you?
  5. God rebukes Jeremiah and tells him he must prepare for worse. In what ways is Jeremiah close-minded to the plans of God? How might we be close-minded to God's plans? How can we remind ourselves of God's sovereignty in these times?
  6. In verse 13, God says that “the people have sown wheat and reaped thorns.” How is this different than Jeremiah’s assessment in the beginning of the chapter? What does this tell us about the difference between our perspective on our righteousness versus God’s?
  7. God promises to have compassion on His remnant, but they still face the invasion of the Babylonians. How can understanding God's eschatological promise of aid give us hope in times of trouble and unrest?
  8. What does God’s promise to save those who swear by His name tell us about God’s plan for the gentiles? How might God’s consistent plan for the gentile nations affect your view of God’s covenant faithfulness?
  9. In verse 10, God makes a case against the shepherds of the vineyard. What is the importance of the leaders of Judah? In what way were they failing? Why is good leadership important in the church?
  10. Read Lamentations 3:19–21. How is Jeremiah’s display of God’s mercy consistent within these two works? Why is this important?

Key Words/Phrase

Prosperity of wicked, v. 1.


God, Jeremiah.

Strong Verse(s)

1, 13.