Jeremiah Chapter 11 Summary

Jeremiah's message on the broken covenant.

Discussion Questions for Jeremiah, Chapter 11

  1. In verse 4, God reminds His people of His faithfulness that delivered them in the time of the Exodus. How does God drawing upon this event strengthen His case against the nation? What past examples of faithfulness in your life or in the Bible help you trust God in the present?
  2. What does God’s consistent warnings to the inhabitants of Jerusalem say about His character? Why is this important?
  3. In what ways have they been disobedient to the covenant? How is obedience described in the Bible? In what ways can we practice obedience in our own lives?
  4. God consistently makes a case for the inhabitants’ rampant idolatry to gods of their own making. What examples does God use to illustrate His superiority over their false gods? In what ways have we traded our obedience to God for obedience in our own ideas?
  5. How is the idea of “sacrificial flesh” in verse 15 contrasted with God's call to true repentance? What does true repentance look like in the life of a believer as opposed to this concept?
  6. In verse 15, Jeremiah underscores the ineptitude of the sacrificial system. Why is the current sacrificial system not a solution to their sin? How is Jesus’ sacrifice greater than this? (See Hebrews 10:1–4, 11)
  7. How does Jeremiah respond to God revealing his own future? What did Jeremiah’s response indicate about his trust in God’s faithfulness and his spiritual condition?
  8. What can we learn from Jeremiah’s humble acceptance of his future judgment? How can we respond similarly when facing trials of various kinds?
  9. How do the people from Jeremiah’s hometown of Anathoth respond to his message of judgement? How is this contrasted with God’s judgement on them?
  10. Why might the people prefer false prophets over the true God? Why are false teachings like these so common, and in what ways does it consistently fail?

Key Words/Phrase

Broken covenant, 8.


God, Jeremiah.

Strong Verse(s)