Jeremiah Chapter 1 Summary
Jeremiah's call and enduement. The sign of the almond rod and seething pot.
Discussion Questions for Jeremiah, Chapter 1
- What aspects of God's character are expressed in the call of Jeremiah? How might these aspects be an encouragement to Jeremiah?
- What is a calling? Do all Christians have a calling? If so, how do we determine it?
- Jeremiah has a prophetic ministry to Judah and to the nations. Is this consistent with God's plan for his people in the Old and New Testaments? Can you think of examples? How should this affect how we view our ministry scope today?
- Jeremiah responds to God's call by saying, “I do not know how to speak, for I am only a youth (ESV).” Do you think this is an excuse? How have you reacted when you have sensed God leading you to do something outside your comfort zone?
- How does God respond to Jeremiah’s concern in 1:7? How does it inform how we should respond to God?
- God addresses Jeremiah's fear in 1:8. Can you think of examples of when you have been afraid to obey God? How is the promise of God's presence a help to us as we step out in faith to obey him?
- It is sometimes said that “God does not call the equipped, but he equips the called.” Do you agree with that? How does Jeremiah 1:6-10 appear to speak to that situation?
- In 1:10, God describes Jeremiah’s ministry in terms of three word pairs. What are they? What actions do these word pairs refer to? Why is that important?
- What is Jeremiah’s first vision? What does that mean? The almond tree was often the first tree to blossom in Israel and signified the coming of spring. How might this image relate to God’s plan for Israel?
- What is the meaning of the vision of the boiling pot? What has Judah done to deserve this? What is the expected reaction? How does God encourage him? What encouragement can we gather from this?
Key Words/Phrase
Called of God, v. 5.
God, Holy Spirit, Jeremiah, Josiah, Jehoiakim.
Strong Verse(s)
1, 19.