James Chapter 5 Summary

Warning to the rich. Exhortations in view of Christ's second coming.

Discussion Questions for James, Chapter 5

  1. James 5 discusses the theme of wealth and its potential pitfalls. How does the author caution against hoarding wealth and exploiting others? How might these teachings influence believers’ attitudes towards material possessions? Why would it be okay for a believer to become wealthy?
  2. Beginning in James 5:4, the chapter speaks about the cries of laborers who have been cheated. How does James address the injustice faced by the vulnerable in society? What implications do his teachings have for believers’ social responsibility?
  3. James 5:7 begins talking about patience and endurance in the face of suffering. How does the author encourage believers to persevere? How should the believer apply the ideas of perseverance in their own life?
  4. Towards the end of James 5, it mentions the prayer of faith and the healing of the sick. How does James’s perspective on prayer and healing compare to other biblical teachings on this topic? How should the church teach about laying on hands of those that are sick?
  5. James 5 discusses the confession of sins to one another. How might this practice foster a sense of community and accountability among believers? What might be the potential benefits and challenges of such confession?
  6. The concept of Elijah’s prayer is brought up in James 5:17. How does the author use this example to illustrate the effectiveness of earnest prayer? What lessons can believers draw from Elijah’s experience? Should a modern day believer equate themselves with a prophet or saint of history? Why or why not?
  7. James 5:12 warns against swearing oaths. How does James advise believers to communicate honestly and directly without resorting to oaths? What implications does this teaching have for integrity and truthfulness? Should a Christian place their hand on a Bible when taking an oath either in a court of law or taking public office? Why or why not?
  8. James 5:19 addresses the importance of bringing back those who have wandered from the truth. How does the teaching in chapter 5 align with the teaching in James 4 about not judging fellow believers? How is it possible to obey both chapters’ teachings within a church community?
  9. James 5:1-6 speaks strongly against the rich, even saying that they will weep and howl because of the miseries coming their way. Why do you think there is not an emphasis in the church on the teachings of James 5:1-6? How do you think the church’s influence on society would change if they heeded the teachings in these verses?
  10. James 5 condemns the rich for cheating the laborers of their wages. If a worker agrees to a salary when they take the job and the employer pays the salary minus the legal taxes, how is it possible for an employer to cheat a laborer?

Key Words/Phrase

Last days, v. 3.


God, Christ, Job, Elias, James.

Strong Verse(s)

7, 8, 10, 16, 20.