Isaiah Chapter 60 Summary

The Deliverer out of Zion and the peace and joy of His coming

Discussion Questions for Isaiah, Chapter 60

  1. What elements of hope do you see in this chapter? What does this say about God's character, in light of how His people had sinned against Him? How does God give you hope in the midst of your sin?
  2. What is the promise that God is giving the Israelites? What is the significance of the geographical and material blessings that the Israelites will receive?
  3. Who is going to “possess the land forever” (HCSB)? What does this phrase mean? How does this relate to God's covenants throughout the Old Testament?
  4. How many geographical locations can you identify in this chapter? What is the significance of God pointing out these places by name? What aspect of missions does this reveal to us?
  5. Are the promises of God in this chapter only to Israel in this time period, or do they apply to us today? In what ways do these promises represent future prophecy?
  6. What future reality are verses 19–20 talking about? Does this refer to heaven, or something else? How does this passage give us hope?
  7. In what ways does God demonstrate “mercy” (HCSB) to the Israelites? In what ways has God shown mercy to you? What does mercy mean?
  8. How many nouns does God use to describe Himself? What is the significance of each of these names, and why does God use them?
  9. Why is God's “glory” (HCSB) the ultimate purpose of this passage (verse 21)? What does this teach us about who God is, and why He is set apart from humanity? How does this demonstrate God's supernatural power and authority?
  10. What will happen to those who “will not serve [Israel] (HCSB)? Does this apply to a geographical place? Or does this have a spiritual lesson? If so, what is the spiritual lesson about those who are opposed to God and His people?

Key Words/Phrase

Israel's light, vv. 1, 3, 19


God, Christ.

Strong Verse(s)