Isaiah Chapter 53 Summary
The vicarious sacrifice of Christ, the servant of Jehovah
Discussion Questions for Isaiah, Chapter 53
- Who is this chapter ultimately talking about? What is the significance of that person being talked about so clearly in Isaiah?
- Do you see a theme of grace in this chapter? What does grace look like in this chapter? What does grace look like in our lives today?
- How many descriptions of different types of suffering do you see in this chapter? Why do you think that Jesus had to experience these things?
- How did Jesus respond to those who mistreated Him? What lesson can we apply today in our lives of those who harm us or mistreat us?
- What does this passage teach us about Jesus’s character? What would it have been like to live His entire life “despised and rejected by men” (HCSB)? How does this help Jesus relate to our sufferings today?
- How does this passage show us the humility of Jesus? What other parts of the Bible teach us about Jesus’s humility?
- Why does this chapter use the imagery of “sheep” (HCSB) and a “lamb” (HCSB)? What is the significance of these animals?
- Why did Jesus have to die? How many references can you find to New Testament crucifixion? How does this chapter illuminate our own sin?
- Why is the detail of Jesus’s burial important in verse 9? What does this teach us about the unjust nature of Jesus’s death? What does this say about the purposefulness of His death?
- How does this chapter highlight the character of Jesus as a “servant” (HCSB)? What does this reveal about our salvation and our response to Jesus?
Key Words/Phrase
Man of sorrows, v. 3
God, Christ.
Strong Verse(s)
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11