Isaiah Chapter 47 Summary

Judgment pronounced upon Babylon.

Discussion Questions for Isaiah, Chapter 47

  1. What does this chapter say about the judgment of the Lord? What do we learn about God and his judgments?
  2. What do we learn about those who oppose God? How does God view those who oppose him today?
  3. How does Isaiah describe the relationship between God and Babylon? Is it possible for God to redeem Babylon? Why or why not?
  4. What do we learn about Babylon in this passage? What is the significance of Babylon to the people of Israel?
  5. Why does God allow Babylon to go through this suffering?
  6. What characteristics of God do we see in this chapter? What do we learn about God's anger?
  7. What do we learn of the consequences of rebellion against God?
  8. Who are the Chaldeans? What is their relationship with God? How many times do you find the word Chaldeans in the chapter? What is the significance?
  9. How is Babylon’s sin revealed in verse 2? What does it mean for God’s judgment?
  10. What should we consider about God’s judgment?

Key Words/Phrase

Vengeance, v. 3.



Strong Verse(s)