Isaiah Chapter 39 Summary
Hezeklah's folly. Babylonian captivity of Judah foretold.
Discussion Questions for Isaiah, Chapter 39
- God blessed Hezekiah and grew his prosperity. What did God give to him? How did this generosity compare to God’s dealings with the wicked kings who came before?
- Why did Babylon come and visit Jerusalem? Do you think they genuinely cared if Hezekiah recovered his health? How should the king have regarded Babylon?
- Read 1 Kings 10:1–13. Solomon showed the Queen of Sheba every part of his empire. Were Hezekiah's actions any different from Solomon? What were the Queen's motives for coming? In what spirit did the two kings share their treasures?
- Does pride always go before a fall? In what ways do you see pride in Hezekiah? How was God merciful to him nonetheless?
- Where in the Word does God warn Israel against befriending their enemies? What would be the most God-honoring solution to a Babylonian envoy? How do believers handle being wise as serpents and harmless as doves in the church age? (Matt. 10:16)
- How did God punish Hezekiah’s actions? Do you think this was a fair punishment? Why or why not? Who got the worst part of the outcome?
- Do you see humility or selfishness in Hezekiah’s response to Isaiah? What does Hezekiah’s life story tell us about the legacy of the kings of Judah? Why do the Israelites still need a Savior and King?
- Have you ever made a mistake that you wish you could do over? How did you handle the consequences in your spiritual walk? Did you lose blessings or friends? How did God show His faithfulness in those seasons?
- God blessed Hezekiah similarly to Solomon, and they both grew proud. Do you think prosperity brings complacency or a pattern of pride in our lives? Should Christians reject riches and fame? How do we balance earthly success with God's plan for our lives?
- Did Hezekiah leave his kingdom in better or worse shape when he eventually passed away? How do you leave a strong Christian legacy for others? What does the revolving door of Old Testament kings teach you about your place in God's kingdom? How are you fulfilling the Great Commission in your community?
Key Words/Phrase
Impending captivity v. 6.
Isaiah, Merodach-baladan, Hezekiah.
Strong Verse(s)