Isaiah Chapter 38 Summary

Hezekiah's sickness and recovery in answer to prayer.

Discussion Questions for Isaiah, Chapter 38

  1. When God speaks to Hezekiah on his sickbed, he pronounces that death is near. How did Hezekiah respond to this revelation? How do we reconcile God's sovereign will and man's persistent prayer?
  2. Why is it important for believers to “get our affairs in order”? (ESV) What role did Hezekiah play in the kingdom of God? What about you?
  3. Why does God allow suffering and pain in this world? He does not always reveal his purpose for our painful experiences. Based on the context, what might God be doing in Hezekiah’s life?
  4. Read 2 Kings 20:8-11. Which sign did Hezekiah request as confirmation of God's promise? Supernaturally, what did the Lord God do in that moment?
  5. God heard Hezekiah’s prayer and turned Isaiah back around to deliver the good news. What do you think he taught Isaiah in that moment? How many years did God add to Hezekiah’s life? What else did he promise?
  6. Hezekiah reflected on God’s gracious healing and later wrote a psalm (verses 9–20). What did he realize about God’s provision and his welfare? What does singing praise to God do for your soul?
  7. Does this response build your confidence in your prayer life? When we open our hearts to God, what should we expect from him?
  8. Do you think it was fair of Hezekiah to protest God’s decree? Should believers expect for God to give us long and prosperous lives? Why or why not? How did Jesus teach his disciples to pray?
  9. Have you ever cried out to the Lord in desperation before? Did He answer how you hoped? What supports your faith in seasons of unanswered prayers?
  10. How does God show his sovereign care through our trials? Should believers put any hope in physicians or medicines? Why or why not?

Key Words/Phrase

Healing, v. 9.


God, Isaiah, Hezekiah.

Strong Verse(s)

17, 19.