Isaiah Chapter 32 Summary
Promise of coming Kingdom. Warning of great tribulation. The King Deliverer.
Discussion Questions for Isaiah, Chapter 32
- In what ways will the reign of the Messianic king look different from Assyrian or rulers of Judah? How will they help the weary people?
- How will the subjects respond differently to the Messiah’s leadership? What is the relationship between the righteousness and the peace of his reign?
- What does it mean that the heart of a fool is “busy with iniquity?” (ESV) How does dissatisfaction or busyness affect the mind and body of a worshiper?
- God rebukes the “complacent daughters” (ESV) for resting in their comforts instead of Him. In what ways will God humble them? Why do you think God speaks in such shocking terms?
- What supernatural event must occur in order for the barren wilderness to become fruitful? Why does this seem counterintuitive to Jerusalem’s current condition? How is this a metaphorical and literal prophecy?
- How will God humble Assyria and Jerusalem? In God's kingdom, what beautiful attributes will endure forever? Which one do you look forward to the most?
- Why is the Holy Spirit essential for a faithful and fruitful life? What are the differences between godly/ worldly joy and sorrow? How can we incline our ears to listen to his voice?
- What should be our response to foolishness in human affairs? How do we balance honoring our government officials and pursuing kingdom values?
- God says that what he desires of man is to “do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8 ESV). How can one godly individual shape a community? Who has had the biggest impact on your spiritual life? Why?
- The Israelites refused to repent even though judgment was close at hand. In what areas of your life do you resist change or repentance? If you knew King Jesus was returning tomorrow, would that bring a greater urgency in your spiritual life? Why or why not?
Key Words/Phrase
Tribulation and kingdom, vv. 10-15.
Strong Verse(s)
1, 17, 18.