Isaiah Chapter 30 Summary
Warnings against alliance with Egypt against Sennacherib and exhortation to turn to the Lord for help.
Discussion Questions for Isaiah, Chapter 30
- Why would it be wrong for Israel to look to Egypt for protection in verse 2? What are ways you seek protection in your own life?
- Verses 8–9 say that these things are being written down as an example for the people of that time and people later. What is the main point of the example that we are to draw out?
- Verse 1 teaches the importance of the Spirit in our thinking. What New Testament passages can you find that speak of the importance of walking in the Spirit?
- In verse 10, the people do not want to hear from God through the prophets. They instead only want good news, even if it isn’t true. Is this similar or different from the culture around us today? Can you think of examples of modern false teaching?
- Verse 15 describes those who can be saved from the coming destruction. Which of these attributes would you say best describes you? Which ones do you struggle with?
- In verse 18, waiting is something that God does, and also something his people do. How does it help us to be content in waiting, knowing that God is also waiting?
- Verses 27–28 describe God as breathing fire. Why is it important that we have this picture of God and not only pictures of his gentleness?
- How does verse 29 help us look forward to eternal life?
- Verse 33 describes hell. What is your initial reaction to the passage? How does the broader context of the chapter help us understand it?
- How does verse 33 help us understand the importance of gospel ministry?
Key Words/Phrase
Shame and confusion, v. 3.
God, Pharoah.
Strong Verse(s)
15, 18.