
Choose a chapter to view the questions

  • Isaiah, Chapter 1: Charge against Israel for their ingratitude and degeneration. Call to repentance and reformation.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 2: The coming glory of Jerusalem and Israel. The humbling of the haughty and the shame of sinners in that day.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 3: The coming desolations of Jerusalem because of sin and the judgment of sinners.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 4: The coming restoration of Jerusalem's peace and purity.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 5: Parable of Jehovah's vineyard and the six woes upon Israel.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 6: Isaiah's transforming vision and his new commission.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 7: Evil confederacy of Rezin and Jekah. The sign of the Virgin's Son. Prediction of impending invasion of Judah.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 8: Predictions of the Syrian invasion and of the desolations of Judah and Israel.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 9: A divine child, the only hope of Israel. Vision of the outstretched hand. The unavailing chastisement.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 10: The commission to invade Judah and its execution. Threatening of the invaders ruin after serving God's purpose. New encouragement given to God's people.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 11: Prophecy of the Davidic Kingdom and restoration of Israel.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 12: The worship of the coming Kingdom.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 13: Prophecy concerning last days, when punishment will be visited upon the nations, and Israel shall pass through the Great Tribulation.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 14: Christ's Kingdom set up on earth with Israel restored, the Beast of hell. Satan's fall and doom. Babylon's final Judgment.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 15: The burden of Moab. Prophecy of great desolations upon the earth.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 16: Women of Moab anticipate the Davidic Kingdom and lament the pride of Moab.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 17: The burden of Damascus, foretelling destruction of cities of Syria and Israel.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 18: Woe of the land beyond the rivers of Ethiopia, in the day of Israel's regathering.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 19: Burden of Egypt, looking forward, through desolations, to Kingdom blessing with Israel.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 20: Prophecy of the wasting of Egypt and Ethiopia by Assyria.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 21: Four burdens anticipating Sennacherib's invasion.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 22: The burden of the valley of vision, telling of coming grievous distress.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 23: Burden of Tyre. Desolations preceding the final deliverance of Israel.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 24: Looking through national troubles to the Kingdom age. The coming tribulation for the Jews, destruction of Gentile powers and opening of the Kingdom.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 25: Triumphs of the coming Kingdom age.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 26: Worship and testimony of restored and converted Israel in the Kingdom age.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 27: Punishment of the proud enemy of God's people. Israel restored and fruitful.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 28: Woe of Ephriam due to drunkenness. Prediction of Assyrian captivity of Ephriam. Ephriam's fate a warning to Judah.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 29: Warnings to Judah and Jerusalem of impending discipline. The blessing after the final deliverance.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 30: Warnings against alliance with Egypt against Sennacherib and exhortation to turn to the Lord for help.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 31: Judah again warned against the Egyptian alliance. Jehovah's defense of Jerusalem.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 32: Promise of coming Kingdom. Warning of great tribulation. The King Deliverer.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 33: The distress of Judah and Jerusalem because of coming woes.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 34: Prophecy of the Day of the Lord and Armaggedon.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 35: The coming Kingdom blessing and regathering of Israel.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 36: Sennacherib's invasion and Jehovah's deliverance. The threats of Rabshakeh.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 37: Jehovah's message to the people by Isaiah. Sennacherib's message to Hezekiah. Hezekiah's prayer and Jehovah's answer. Destruction of Assyrians.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 38: Hezekiah's sickness and recovery in answer to prayer.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 39: Hezeklah's folly. Babylonian captivity of Judah foretold.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 40: Joyful prospect given to the people of God of the happiniess of coming redemption. Reproof for their despondencies.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 41: Greatness of God and weakness of man. Admonition to shun idols and encouragement to trust in God.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 42: Christ, servant of Jehovah. Chastening of Israel and the final restoration.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 43: The chosen nation redeemed and restored.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 44: The promise of the Spirit and the coming restoration. The folly of idolatry.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 45: Promises to Cyrus for Israel's sake. Proof of God's eternal power and sovereignty. Encouragement to believing Jews. Doom of idol worshippers.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 46: Israel exhorted to remember the power of God and powerlessness of idols.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 47: Judgment pronounced upon Babylon.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 48: The dullness of Israel. Restoration under the Servant of Jehovah. Israel reminded of the promises.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 49: Israel's coming Redeemer. Preservation and restoration of Israel and judgment on oppressors.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 50: The humiliation of the Holy One of Israel.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 51: Final redemption of Israel and punishment of oppressors.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 52: Vision of Jerusalem in the Kingdom age. Jehovah's servant marred and afterward exalted.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 53: The vicarious sacrifice of Christ, the servant of Jehovah
  • Isaiah, Chapter 54: Israel as the restored wife of Jehovah in the Kingdom age.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 55: Jehovah's everlasting salvation
  • Isaiah, Chapter 56: Solemn instruction given to all to make conscience of duty. Charge against the careless and unfaithful
  • Isaiah, Chapter 57: Further ethical instructions. Sins of the people denounced
  • Isaiah, Chapter 58: Hypocritical professions of religion. Instructions how to keep fasts aright
  • Isaiah, Chapter 59: Sins which prevented the bestowal of God's blessing and caused chastisements to fall upon Israel.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 60: The Deliverer out of Zion and the peace and joy of His coming
  • Isaiah, Chapter 61: Two advents of Christ in one view. Kingdom blessing after the day of vengeance. Israel's restoration.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 62: Restoration of Israel to God's favor, and honor with the nations.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 63: Day of vengeance, and the fear and hope of the remnant of Israel.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 64: Fear and hope of remnant of Israel in day of vengeance.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 65: Answer of Jehovah to remnant of Israel. Eternal blessing in the renovated earth.
  • Isaiah, Chapter 66: Blessings of the coming universal Kingdom.