Hosea Chapter 7 Summary
Jehovah's response to Israel's cry, continued. Israel's sad state.
Discussion Questions for Hosea, Chapter 7
- In verses 1–2, God is revealing and exposing the sin of the people, like a light being turned on in a dark room. Before healing from sin can happen, your sin must be brought into the light and confessed. What do you need to confess today?
- Do you think that literally all of the people committed adultery like it says in verse 4? Why or why not? If not, why is this phrase included in this passage?
- Why do you think that Hosea describes Israel's corruption and sinfulness using imagery of a baker’s fire in verses 3–7? What is the significance of this?
- What connections can you make between James 1:14–15 and Hosea 7:3–7? How does this help you interpret this passage?
- Why was it wrong for Ephraim to be mixed in with the other nations (verses 8–9)? What should a modern reader learn from this?
- More bakery imagery appears in verse 8, but this time Ephraim is the bread, not the oven/fire. How is this connected with the previous bakery imagery in verses 3–7?
- Verses 8–10 describe a people that are quickly losing power and prestige due to their sin, but they haven't seen it yet. How would you try to convince a whole nation to repent?
- Why do you think the Israelites are calling on Egypt and Assyria in verse 11? When have you trusted in things other than the Lord? What was the result?
- Israelites in this time intertwined their ancestors’ faith of the Lord with the faith of pagan “gods” and rituals. This is seen in verse 14 as wailing and slashing themselves for these “gods.” What things are intertwined with your own faith that need to be unravelled?
- What is the significance of the Israelites being ridiculed in the land of Egypt (verse 18)? What historical connections can you make with this chapter to the land of Egypt?
Key Words/Phrase
Wickedness, v. 2.
Strong Verse(s)