Hosea Chapter 13 Summary
Jehovah's response, continued. Israel's ruin. Ultimate blessing in the kingdom age.
Discussion Questions for Hosea, Chapter 13
- Ephraim’s increasing sin in verse 2 leads them to build more idols. What will be the result according to Hosea 12:11? What idols need to be brought down in your life?
- Verse 3 shows the fate of people who place their trust in idols. How can we avoid the same fate?
- Read Deuteronomy 8. How does this mirror what we read in Hosea 13:4–9?
- Why might the Israelites turn their backs on the same God that provided for their needs at every step of their journey? How can we avoid a similar situation today?
- Oftentimes in Scripture we see sin or Satan being given animal characteristics (see Genesis 4:7, 1 Peter 1:8). In Hosea 13:7-8, God is described using animal characteristics. Why do you think that is?
- Put yourself in the shoes of the Israelites reading this for the first time. What kind of emotions do you feel when you read verse 9? Why? Why would God threaten to destroy Israel if He previously gave them the promised land forever (Genesis 13:14–16)?
- Where in Scripture did Israel demand a king? Why would this have been a problem for God?
- Why would Israel have felt the need for a king? What was the result of Israel demanding a king for themselves?
- Even though God is pouring out His anger against Israel, God promises to ransom them from death in verse 14. Is Hosea saying that God will redeem people personally and bodily, or that He will redeem Israel as a nation? Why?
- What is the “east wind” (CSB) that Ephraim pursues in Hosea 12:1 and the “east wind” that destroys in 14:15? What can we infer about our own pursuits from this?
Key Words/Phrase
Ruined (vv. 8, 16), ransomed (14)
Strong Verse(s)
4, 6, 14.