Hebrews Chapter 13 Summary
Exhortations to the Christian. Separation and worship. Apostolic benediction.
Discussion Questions for Hebrews, Chapter 13
- In the last chapter of Hebrews, the author gives his readers some final exhortations. In verse 2, the reason given to show hospitality is that angels may have unknowingly been welcomed as guests. Why would it be important to treat angels well?
- In verse 3, both prisoners and the mistreated are to be remembered for a similar reason: as if you were being treated the same as them. How does empathy make us more effective ministers?
- The next command is to honor marriage and keep the marriage bed undefiled, “because God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterers” (CSB). Why is sexual sin so destructive to marriage?
- In verse 5, the author of Hebrews connects being free from covetousness with God's promise to never leave us. Why are these ideas connected? What are things that people tend to covet today?
- In verses 7 and 17, God's people are instructed to imitate and submit to godly church leaders. How does this benefit you? How is a lack of submission to godly church leaders harmful?
- Why is it important to know that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (v. 8, CSB)?
- In verse 9, being led astray by “strange teachings” is contrasted with “the heart...established by grace.” What is the effect on a believer's heart to ignore grace and instead focus on trying to earn God's favor through rituals?
- In verses 10-14, the author of Hebrews points us to the greater sacrifice of Jesus and the “enduring city” that awaits us. In what ways might our desire to dwell in that enduring city inspire us today?
- Our sacrifice to God is not animals, but rather “a sacrifice of praise” (v. 15, CSB). Why is it natural for a Christian to glorify God with “lips that confess his name”?
- Verse 16 encourages us not to neglect to do what is good and to share. How easy is it for you to neglect to do good for others? In what ways are we sometimes neglectful of our duties toward other people?
Key Words/Phrase
God, Christ, Timothy.
Strong Verse(s)
1, 5, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16.