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  • Hebrews, Chapter 1: The great salvation provided through Jesus Christ who is above prophets and better than angels.
  • Hebrews, Chapter 2: Warning against neglecting so great a salvation. Earth to be put under Christ. Jesus temporarily lower than angels to work out salvation for man.
  • Hebrews, Chapter 3: Christ the Son better than Moses the servant. Warning against unbelief.
  • Hebrews, Chapter 4: The better rest for the believer. The perfect work of redemption.
  • Hebrews, Chapter 5: Christ, our Great High Priest after the order of Melchisedec.
  • Hebrews, Chapter 6: Warning against mixture of law and grace. Danger of tasting the Spirit's work in grace and then going back to ceremonies.
  • Hebrews, Chapter 7: Melchisedec as a type of Christ. Comparison of. Melchisedec and Aaronic priesthoods.
  • Hebrews, Chapter 8: Aaronic priests a shadow of Christ who mediates a better covenant.
  • Hebrews, Chapter 9: Ordinances and sanctuary of the old covenant as types of the new. The realities of the new covenant which is sealed by the blood of Christ.
  • Hebrews, Chapter 10: Law only a shadow of things to come. Through Christ a way made into the Holiest for all believers. Warning to the Hebrews who were wavering between Jewish sacrifices and Christ's finished work.
  • Hebrews, Chapter 11: Superiority of the way of faith. Instances of faith.
  • Hebrews, Chapter 12: The Father's chastening of believers and its purpose. The difference between living under law and under grace.
  • Hebrews, Chapter 13: Exhortations to the Christian. Separation and worship. Apostolic benediction.