Haggai - Chapter-2

Chapter Summary

The various temples. Chastening because of priest's impurity and the peoples' delay. Future destruction of Gentile power.

Discussion Questions for Haggai, Chapter 2

  1. From God's question in v 3, how does this new temple compare with the old one built by Solomon? What might the people have felt when they saw their work?
  2. What does glory mean? How might the people have “seen” the glory of the previous temple? How do we see God's glory today?
  3. How does God encourage them in their obedience? What promises does he make to them? Do these promises apply to all believers today? What should out response be to those promises in our work and worship?
  4. Why does God especially name Zerubbabel and Joshua? What role do leaders play during times when the church feels insignificant and marginalized? Have you ever been called on to play that role? If so, how would these words apply to you?
  5. What are the covenant promises God makes to his people when they come out of Egypt? Why might God remind these people of those promises when they have been through the exile?
  6. When is God's promise to shake the nations fulfilled or is it still to come? What might that look like?
  7. What is it that is desired by all nations? How does the birth of Jesus answer the desire of the nations? If so, why do the nations not recognize him?
  8. Why did political peace not come to the remnant after they built the temple? In what way has God fulfilled the promise to give his people peace? Does John 14:27 help us find an answer?
  9. How many times does the Lord say “give careful thought”? what is he revealing to the people ?
  10. What might the people have done to make God say their offering was defiled? How can we make sure that what we offer to God is not defiled?
  11. How are things going to change for the nation after the temple is built? What would it have looked for them to receive God's blessing? How might the church recognize God's blessing today ? Is this blessing only for the church or could a whole nation be blessed today and if so how and why?

Key Words/Phrase

Jehovah's house, v. 3.


God, Haggai, Zerubbabel, Joshua.

Strong Verse(s)

6, 7, 8, 9.