Haggai Chapter 1 Summary
Jehovah's chastening because of the interrupted work on His house. The work on the temple recommenced.
Discussion Questions for Haggai, Chapter 1
- During what period of Israel’s history does Haggai speak this prophecy? What clues are given in the chapter?
- What are the people engaged in doing? Why is this a problem? Has there been a time when God showed you your priorities were wrong? What did you learn through this?
- Why would God place a priority on the people building him a house? What was the significance of the Lord’s house for Israel at this time?
- In what way does God take pleasure in having a temple built? Does this mean a church building is important for worship today?
- What natural disasters has Israel faced according to this chapter? What was the significance of these events? Is the same true today?
- What promise does the Lord make when the people listen? Can you think of other times when God makes this promise? How does this promise apply to you today?
- What does it mean to fear God? Should obedience be driven by fear? If not, what is the motivation for our obedience today?
- What are some of the characteristics of an Old Testament prophet like Haggai? How is prophecy different in the Church today?
- How does the Word of the Lord come to us today? Give an example of how the Lord has spoken to you and your response.
- Are there times when God has spoken to you through the failures in your life? How can we give careful thought to our ways so we do not miss out on what God is saying? Is there a danger in trying to interpret our circumstances?
Key Words/Phrase
Temple, vv. 2, 14.
God, Darius, Haggai, Zerubbabel, Joshua.
Strong Verse(s)
6, 7.