Habakkuk Chapter 3 Summary

Habakkuk's answer of faith to Jehovah. The terror of God's wrath against sinners.

Discussion Questions for Habakkuk, Chapter 3

  1. How does Habakkuk’s attitude change in chapter 3 from the previous chapters? What would you identify as the characteristic of God that helps Habakkuk have a change of heart? What are some ways that God has brought you to repentance?
  2. Why can Habakkuk “rejoice” (HCSB) in verse 18, knowing that a terrible invasion is coming? How do you rejoice in your life, even in spite of suffering or difficult circumstances?
  3. What does this passage teach you specifically about “prayer” (HCSB) according to verse 1? How would knowing Habakkuk's understanding of prayer help you adjust or change your prayer life?
  4. What do verses 3–13 teach us about God's power over creation? Why is it important for Habakkuk to use these metaphors to describe God? What is the significance of the relationship between God and His creation?
  5. What historical event is Habakkuk referencing in verse 16? What reasons would Habakkuk have to “tremble” (HCSB)? What does this teach us about how to face fear and anxiety in life?
  6. What is the meaning of “mercy” (HCSB)? Why does Habakkuk ask for mercy even in the midst of God's wrath? How have you seen God demonstrate mercy in your life?
  7. How will Habakkuk “triumph” (HCSB) in the Lord in verse 18, despite all the despair and devastation he mentions in verse 17? How does God bring victory in your life despite difficult or seemingly impossible circumstances?
  8. How does Habakkuk’s prayer demonstrate his respect and reverence for God? What does this teach you about your heart and attitude when you approach God in prayer?
  9. In what ways does Habakkuk demonstrate faith in God? Why does Habakkuk have faith, even when his circumstances do not change? What does this teach you about the relationship between your faith and your circumstances? How does this teach you to trust God more?
  10. Why does Habakkuk call God “the Holy One” (HCSB) in verse 3? What is the significance of God's holiness in this passage? How does an understanding of God's holiness impact your daily life?

Key Words/Phrase

Jehovah's wrath, vv. 2, 8.


God, Habakkuk.

Strong Verse(s)

2(b), 18, 19.