Habakkuk Chapter 2 Summary
Jehovah's response to Habakkuk's testimony. Vision of coming woes.
Discussion Questions for Habakkuk, Chapter 2
- Is it ok to complain to God, like Habakkuk does in verse 1? What was his complaint? What are times in which you have complained to God? What was the outcome of that complaint?
- What do verses 2–3 teach us about the reliability of God's Word? What is this specific prophecy about? In what ways do you have confidence that you can trust God at His word? How do you react when you don't know the timing of something God has promised?
- In what ways do the Chaldeans demonstrate pride? What is pride contrasted to in verse 4? What are ways that you might demonstrate pride in your life? How would you correct pride in your life?
- How would you summarize the 5 sins, or “woes” (HCSB) that God accuses the Chaldeans of? Are there parallels to nations and societies today? In what ways have you seen these types of sins played out in your own culture?
- In what ways did the Chaldeans practice idolatry? How would you define idolatry? In what ways do you seek after idols in your own life, or worship idols?
- What is the consequence of those who practice “human bloodshed and violence” (HCSB)? Do you see any comparisons to the Chaldeans and countries of today? Why does God allow this type of violence to persist throughout history?
- Why is “uncircumcision” (HCSB) an important concept in verse 16? What kind of “disgrace” (HCSB) is God talking about? In what ways have you seen evil or wicked people being “disgraced” by righteousness?
- How does God redeem suffering? How has God redeemed suffering in your own life? What would you say to those in our world today who have experienced suffering similar to what people were suffering in the time of Habakkuk 2?
- What are the characteristics of the “arrogant man” (HCSB) in verses 4–5? Why are the arrogant never satisfied? In what ways have you seen your sin not satisfy you?
- In what ways can our “labor” (HCSB) be futile? How does the world put its hope in its achievements and accomplishments? What are ways in which you have worked so hard for earthly things that are ultimately futile?
Key Words/Phrase
Woe, vv. 9, 12, 15, 19.
God, Habakkuk.
Strong Verse(s)
4, 12, 14, 15, 20.