Habakkuk Chapter 1 Summary

Habakkuk's prayer concerning evil in dispersed Israel. God's voice to Israel and Habakkuk's testimony to God.

Discussion Questions for Habakkuk, Chapter 1

  1. What is the most accepted meaning of Habakkuk’s name? Why do you think his specific name is important to the context of this chapter and the book as a whole?
  2. How many nouns can you find that describe sin in chapter 1? Who is doing the sinning in this chapter? What are some times you have witnessed injustice, or an “ineffective” (HCSB) law? Why are these sins so detrimental to a community or nation?
  3. Why would Habakkuk be “astonished” (HCSB) at the evil of the Chaldeans in verses 7-11? What evil things astonish you in today's world? What kind of comparisons can you make to Habakkuk's culture and your own culture, specifically what he talks about in verses 2-4?
  4. Who are the Chaldeans (HCSB)? What is the significance of God describing them metaphorically as different animals or environmental concepts? Specifically, why do you think that God uses the metaphor of fishing multiple times in this chapter to refer to the Chaldeans?
  5. Does God answer Habakkuk’s questions in chapter 1? How do you think that makes Habakkuk feel? How do you feel when it seems as if God doesn’t answer your questions about life, or if it seems God is silent? What does that teach you about trusting God?
  6. Does God “tolerate those who are treacherous” (HCSB) like it says in verse 13? Why does Habakkuk accuse God of this? When in your life has it seemed that God allowed someone or something that was evil or wicked? How did you respond?
  7. What does this chapter teach us about God's sovereignty and eternal nature? How do you see God's sovereignty expressed in your daily life?
  8. What is Habakkuk’s ultimate fear in this chapter? Is he justified in being afraid? How do you deal with fear?
  9. Why would Habakkuk and his people be “punished” (HCSB) like it mentions in verse 12? Does this seem fair to you? Why or why not? In what ways have you seen God discipline you for sin?
  10. Why does God use sinful people to accomplish His purposes? In what ways have you seen God do the same in your life? What does it teach you about God's power and authority?

Key Words/Phrase

Israel’s iniquity, v. 3.


God, Habakkuk.

Strong Verse(s)

12, 13.