Genesis - Chapter-7

Chapter Summary

The flood comes. Noah and family preserved.

Discussion Questions for Genesis, Chapter 7

  1. God tells Noah to take 7 pairs of all clean animals and 2 pairs of all unclean animals along with 7 pairs of all birds. How does Noah know which animals are clean since the Mosaic Law is not given for hundreds of years later? Cain and Abel are told to sacrifice earlier in Genesis but is the sacrificial system in effect for the necessity of extra clean animals? What are some other reasons for this necessity?
  2. God gives Noah a seven day warning concerning the upcoming flood. What do you think is purpose of this warning? What do you think is the symbolic meaning in the warning?
  3. Genesis 7:11 describes the water coming from the fountains of the great deep bursting forth and the window of heaven for the first time opening. This is the first time in scripture the recording of rain, plants had been watered by the morning dew. What do you think was the people's reaction to rain? What would have been your reaction? How do you think people reacted to Noah and his family since they were already in the ark?
  4. Genesis 7:14 records that the Lord shut Noah, his family, and the animals in the ark. Why is it significant that it wasn't Noah closing the door to the ark as he went in, but the Lord actually shut him in the ark? How does this affect our journey with God and possibly our salvation?
  5. God honored His Word and it rained for 40 days and nights and all living things on the earth died. How does this affect your perception of God, He even honors His word and promises of coming destruction? How does this affect you and your journey with God knowing the destruction of this earth is prophesied in the Bible?
  6. The waters prevailed on the earth for 150 days according Genesis 7:24. God had Noah to start loading the ark 7 days before it started raining and then it rained for 40 day. Noah, his family, and the animals were on the ark for nearly 300 days. We have a tendency to become agitated after after a few days of poor weather keeping us indoors. How do you think the animals that were natural enemies reacted with one another? Describe what you think the atmosphere would have been like on the ark after nearly 300 days.
  7. One of the known effects of rivers and other bodies of water is their deposits of sediment (dirt) in layers. Many scientists use this in even dating events in history. How would the flood, even above the highest mountains, affect these deposits of sediment? How would this possibly affect the scientific discoveries that have been made?
  8. After reading about Noah and the flood, there have been great discussions if the flood was a local, regional, or global event. What do you think? Did the flood only take place in Noah's local area, in the region he lived, or was it worldwide? Why do you think this?
  9. We are told about the loss of life of the animals on dry land in Genesis 7. What do you think are the effects of the flood are on the fish and other sea life? If they are not affected, why would God allow them not to be affected while rest of creation lose their life?
  10. Many believe that the account of Noah and the flood are a myth. However, multiple cultures have a flood account, including in Epic of Gilgamesh. Do you think a great flood occurred in the history of the world? Why or why not?

Key Words/Phrase

Ark, v. 7.


Noah, his sons, and their wives.

Strong Verse(s)