Genesis - Chapter-5

Chapter Summary

Generations from Adam to Noah.

Discussion Questions for Genesis, Chapter 5

  1. Genesis 5:2 states, :Male and female He created them, and He blessed them and named the Man." Our society is debating the binary nature of gender. How does this verse address issue? How should we create relationships with individuals that have different beliefs concerning gender identity?
  2. Genesis 5 traces the ancestry through several of the first generations. Many of those mentioned reaching ages over 900 years. Why do you think many individuals reached these ages? What factors do you think have contributed to the decrease in humankind's life expectancy rate?
  3. Genesis 5:22 states that Enoch walked with God. Define in your own words what does it mean to walk with God.
  4. Genesis 5:24 says, "Enoch walked with God and he was not, for God took him." What do you think happened to Enoch? How do you think this will be similar to when Jesus returns as mentioned 1 Thessalonians 4:17?
  5. Methuselah is oldest person recorded dying at the age of 969 years. If he were to die today, list at least 10 major things that would take place in his lifetime. For example, Columbus sailing to North America and the Caribbean. How do you think Methuselah's longevity affected his faith in God? What are some major events that have affected your faith? Why?
  6. How did the longevity of people mentioned in Genesis 5 affect increasing the population? If these men lived for hundreds of years, not fathering children until well into their hundreds, how many children do you think each fathered? How did this affect their wives' lives? Was their longevity as long or would the men have multiple wives?
  7. We read in Genesis 4 that Lamech is cursed for killing 2 men. Lamech fathers Noah, the same that would build the ark to survive the flood. Lamech prophesied about Noah, “Out of the ground that the Lord has cursed, this one shall bring us relief[ a] from our work and from the painful toil of our hands.” If you believe that Noah fulfilled Lamech's prophecy, how does Noah do it? If Noah does not fulfill Lamech's prophecy, does this harm God's reputation since it is in the scripture or is Lamech only seen as a false prophet? Explain your answer.
  8. Most of the genealogies found in the Bible trace ancestry lines through the males. What do you think is the purpose for this? How does the culture's practice of polygamy affect tracing genealogies? How does polygamy compare with our culture's practice of divorce and stepfamilies?
  9. Genesis 5:1 reminds us that God made Adam in His likeness. Genesis 5:2 quickly mentions that God made mankind male and female. Assuming that God does not consist of two genders, what does God's likeness consists of if gender is not one of the qualities?
  10. Giving a genealogy portrays a sense of legacy. What type of legacy has your ancestors passed on to you? If you are able, describe the legacy of your family that has passed on to you.

Key Words/Phrase

Generations, v. 1.


Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan,. Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, Noah.

Strong Verse(s)