Genesis - Chapter-48

Chapter Summary

Jacob on his death bed blesses Joseph's sons.

Discussion Questions for Genesis, Chapter 48

  1. Reflect on the theme of reversal of expectations in this chapter, this book, and the whole Bible. How do these unexpected blessings mirror similar reversals in your own life?
  2. Reflect on the idea of generations and the legacy we leave behind. How can we ensure that our actions positively impact future generations, as Jacob's did?
  3. How does Jacob's description of the Lord in verses 15-16 mirror your own life?
  4. How do verses 15-16 contrast with Jacob's description of his life to Pharaoh in chapter 47? Was Jacob lying to Pharaoh? Why or why not?
  5. Jacob lived in Egypt for 17 years before he blessed Ephraim and Manasseh. How might this new living arrangement have changed his outlook on life? Compare 48:15-16 with 47:9.
  6. Why do you think Ephraim (Joseph's second-born) got the greater blessing?
  7. Was Jacob's backwards blessing due to his eyesight? Why or why not? Was it intentional? Why or why not?
  8. The theme of the younger brother overtaking the older is seen throughout the book of Genesis. What other examples can you think of? How are they all connected? What does this theme mean for our lives?
  9. How does this backwards blessing reflect Jacob's own experience? Considering everything he went through, why would he want to set his grandsons down a similar path?
  10. What story is being referenced in verse 22? Why do you think Ephraim and Manasseh get this mountain instead of Jacob's actual sons?

Key Words/Phrase

Blessed, v. 15.


Jacob, Joseph, Ephriam, Manasseh, Reuben, Simeon, Rachael.

Strong Verse(s)