Genesis Chapter 43 Summary

Second visit of Joseph's brethren to Egypt in their necessity.

Discussion Questions for Genesis, Chapter 43

  1. Imagine you are Benjamin. How would you feel about having to atone for the sins of your brothers, even though you weren't even alive when they sold Joseph into slavery?
  2. How does Judah's character change from the last time we saw him in chapters 37 and 38? What do you think caused this change?
  3. Why do you think Joseph tested his brothers? After all, they followed his instructions to bring Benjamin to Egypt with them. Why was his focus on Benjamin instead of the others, who actually wronged him?
  4. Why do you think that Joseph was overcome with emotion at the sight of Benjamin? Why didn't he have this reaction with his other brothers? When have you experienced deep emotions at the sight of a family member?
  5. How does Joseph's emotional response show the power of forgiveness and how it can heal broken relationships? What relationships need to be healed in your life?
  6. The sight of Benjamin is a catalyst for Joseph's emotional release. Can you think of a time when a specific person or event triggered strong emotions for you? How did you handle it?
  7. Why do you think the brothers were seated from oldest to youngest? What role would this have played in this scene? How does this relate to other stories in Genesis regarding younger versus older brothers?
  8. What other stories and passages include feasts? What is a common theme between those passages and this one? How should these stories inform us about how to be in fellowship with one another?
  9. Why do you think Joseph gave Benjamin five times as much food as the other brothers? What was Joseph testing here?
  10. If you were an advisor to Joseph in this chapter, what advice would you offer to help resolve the conflict? What if you were an advisor to the brothers?

Key Words/Phrase

Mercy, v. 14.


Jacob, Benjamin, Joseph, Simeon, Judah, steward.

Strong Verse(s)

14, 23, 29.