Genesis Chapter 40 Summary

Joseph in prlison in Egypt. Interprets dreams.

Discussion Questions for Genesis, Chapter 40

  1. Who or what is a cupbearer? Why do you suppose Pharaoh was so upset with these two men? Why do you think Joseph was not released from prison before this point?
  2. Why do you think God gave the dreams to the prisoners instead of Joseph? How did Joseph help them? Why do you think the baker ended up being killed?
  3. Do you think it was self-serving of Joseph to ask for help out of prison? Why or why not? Does God expect only humble servitude from His people? Why or why not?
  4. Yet again, Joseph was forgotten. One of the hardest things about life can be the lonely seasons. What makes you feel lonely? Have you ever shut people out of your life because they were not there for you? How does Jesus help us battle loneliness and keep us moving forward?
  5. If you were Joseph, you might expect immediate results from your miraculous help. How does the Gospel of the Kingdom play the long game? Does this encourage you with your hard work and seemingly “mundane” workdays? Where can you sow gospel seeds?
  6. Do you think it was hard for Joseph to tell the baker the truth? Can you think of a time when you struggled to share the whole gospel because of how you would be perceived? How does the authority of God empower us? Where do we see that in the Great Commission?
  7. Have you ever been a part of a prison or homeless ministry? Who are the often neglected people in the community hiding in plain sight? How can the church do a better job of reaching them? What are some ways we can show kindness to them?
  8. Does God speak through dreams today? Would you call this a regular occurrence? What should we do to process an interesting dream? What role does prayer have in this process?
  9. Did you notice that God worked through both the dreams and the interpretation? How might this loosely foreshadow the spiritual gifts in the New Testament? How do we build unity as a church through the willing partnership of the individuals?
  10. Where are you using your gifts to benefit others? Are you willing to serve when no one is watching and you do not see any fruit? What are you currently working on for the benefit of others? How can you serve “secretly” so that your Father sees and rewards?

Key Words/Phrase

Interpretation, v. 8.


Butler, baker, captain of guard, Joseph, Potiphar.

Strong Verse(s)