Genesis - Chapter-4

Chapter Summary

First sons of Adam, Cain and Abel. Murder of Abel. First civilization. Birth of Seth.

Discussion Questions for Genesis, Chapter 4

  1. In Genesis 4:1, Eve says, "I have gotten a man with the help of the Lord." What role is given the Lord in childbirth? How does this compare to society's view of God's role in childbirth? How does the role compare to your view of God's role in childbirth?
  2. Cain and Abel both bring an offering to God but Genesis 4:5 says that God had no regard for Cain's offering. What standard or reason does God give for not regarding Cain's offering? If there is no standard, was it fair for God not to regard Cain's offering? Why or why not? How does this event reflect the common saying that God is a just God?
  3. Why did Cain kill Abel in Genesis 4:8? Would Cain be justified to blame God for killing Abel because of the rejected offering? Why or why not?
  4. We are never given Adam and Eve's reaction to the events between Cain and Abel in scripture. Why do you think that we are not given their reaction? What do you think was their reaction after one son is killed and the other is exiled?
  5. Cain is told by God that the land shall never yield its strength to him and he will become a wanderer because he killed Abel? Cain's reaction in Genesis 4:14 is that the punishment is too great and he can't bear it? How do you view Cain's punishment? Do you think it was a fair punishment? Why or why not? How does this reflect God's view of capital punishment since Numbers 35:31 states that you will lose your life if you commit murder?
  6. Genesis 4:17 says that Cain knew his wife and bore him a son, Enoch. One of the most asked questions in history: where did Cain's wife come from? What is the reasons supporting your answer? The same question can apply to where did Lamech's two wives come from in Gen 4:19?
  7. Lamech states in Genesis 4:23 that he killed a man for wounding him and another for striking him. We have the two men, Cain's wife, Lamech's two wives that are exiled. How can Christians explain several individuals that seem to have not come from Adam and Eve and remain true to the creation story?
  8. Who is Seth's wife in Genesis 4:26 that bares him his son Enosh? Why do you think it isn't mentioned that Seth has a wife after you view the painstakingly details that scriptures provide in other birth narratives?
  9. Throughout Genesis 4 there is conversations between people and God. However, at the end of the chapter is says "At that time people began to call upon the name of the Lord." If people have had regular conversations with God, what do you think the last phrase means?
  10. The lack of explanation for people appearing in scripture that seem to not to be descendants of Adam and Eve has been debated and studied for centuries without any clear conclusions. How does this lack of explanation affect your faith in God? When you witnessing to a nonbeliever and they bring it up, how do you answer their questions?

Key Words/Phrase

Offering, v. 4.


Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, Seth.

Strong Verse(s)

4, 26.