Genesis Chapter 38 Summary

Shame of Judah and his sons.

Discussion Questions for Genesis, Chapter 38

  1. Genesis 38 examines the life of Judah and how he failed to trust in God's promises over the years. In spite of his faithlessness, how did God use Judah? What happened through some of his descendants? How does this give hope for your life and choices?
  2. Judah's sons followed their father's steps in faithless living. What did God do to them? Why were Onan's actions so despicable to God? What did this mean for Tamar? Where do we see the sins of parents affecting children in our society today?
  3. Judah, similar to Jacob, chose to do nothing about the situation. Do you struggle with making difficult decisions? Why does “doing nothing” appeal to us at times? What are healthier ways to work through our challenges?
  4. The ensuing narrative can only be described as debauchery and desperation. Can you sympathize with Tamar and her injustice? How do you feel towards Judah? Why? How do you think God feels every time we disregard His promises and act selfishly? How would you feel if your sinful deeds were recorded in the Bible? How does this challenge you concerning the legacy you leave behind?
  5. It is important to remember Genesis 38 in the context of Joseph's story. How is God contrasting the two brothers? What is He showing us about His kingdom and plan for Israel?
  6. When Judah found out about Tamar's pregnancy, he advocated for punishment to the furthest degree. How did she humble him? Have you ever rushed to judgment for the sins of others? What story in the Gospel of John revisits this matter? How did Jesus take care of justice at the cross?
  7. God was gracious to Tamar, and she had twin sons. Where else do you find the names of the twins? How did God work all of these circumstances together for good? Today, people think that the birth of unwanted children is a curse. How does the Bible push back against that? What would you say to someone strongly considering an abortion?
  8. How prevalent is sexual immorality in our culture? How does the enemy try to lead believers astray in this area? How should believers speak truth and grace in culturally acceptable but immoral situations? How can you guard your heart and mind against impurity?
  9. Do you struggle to keep your promises to others? Have other people forced themselves into situations because of your inaction? Who bears the greater responsibility? How can we work on becoming truth tellers?
  10. Do you believe you have to be married to be blessed by God? What seasons of relationships does God give us? How should we focus on Jesus in seasons of singleness, marriage, widowhood, etc.?

Key Words/Phrase

Shamed, v. 23.


Judah, Hirah, Er, Onen, Tamar.

Strong Verse(s)

10, 26.