Genesis - Chapter-37

Chapter Summary

Generations of Joseph. Joseph hated and rejected by his brothers. Cast into pit. Carried away by Gentiles.

Discussion Questions for Genesis, Chapter 37

  1. Why was Joseph Jacob's favorite son? Do you see a particular generational sin(s) in this family? Why does the narrative turn to focus on Joseph?
  2. How did the brother's treat Joseph? How do you think they interacted around home and in the field? Do you think Joseph was helping his case? Why or why not?
  3. What was the overall theme of Joseph's dreams? Why do you think Jacob pondered the fact that Joseph had vivid dreams? When did God give visions in the past? Have God ever spoke to you through a dream? How can we tell the difference between indigestion and a vision? How can the church help?
  4. Joseph obeyed his father and tracked down his brothers. What did they initially discuss doing to him? Who persuaded them otherwise? What do you think was the feeling in Reuben's heart and the atmosphere during that conversation? What do you make of Reuben? Have you ever been in a tough family situation and uncertain of what to do? How did God give you wisdom for that situation?
  5. Sadly, Joseph did not find any value in his brothers' eyes until he served as a commodity. Did you know that slavery was a common practice in ancient days? What does the Bible say about human trafficking and human dignity?
  6. What peer pressure did Reuben face when he found Joseph gone? What should he have done? Do you think this was an "impossible situation" for him? Do you notice some similarities between Reuben and Pontius Pilate? List some. What are some general, helpful practices for us in these situations?
  7. What consequences came about because of the brothers' decision? How did it impact their family? Do you think they regretted taking the silver? How would this story have ended if Joseph stayed with his family?
  8. Who or what has thrown you into a "pit" in life? What did you do in those seasons of despair or hardship? How did God help you? Have you found a way to forgive (even if not forget) what those individuals have done to you?
  9. Name some of the worst things that can happen today in our world. Have you heard stories of God bringing about good through those circumstances? Where and how? (If not, read the story of Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, and their families).
  10. Did you know that human trafficking is thriving as an industry today? How can we pray for those in slavery? How should we help? List some ways that the church can and should be helping address these issues. Pray about acting on one or two of them.

Key Words/Phrase

Envied, v. 11.


Jacob, Joseph, Reuben, Judah, Potiphar.

Strong Verse(s)