Genesis - Chapter-36

Chapter Summary

Generations of Esau and their settlements.

Discussion Questions for Genesis, Chapter 36

  1. Why do you think we have an entire chapter devoted to Esau's family and descendants? What is the surrounding biblical narrative? How do you see God's grace to Esau in spite of his past?
  2. Do you think Esau makes wise or pragmatic decisions for the location of his family and possessions? What does his reasoning teach us about his heart? Would you say that most of your decision making is pragmatic or short-term focused? How can we tell?
  3. Do you recognize some key names or geographic locations through Esau's lineage? How would they become significant later in Israel's history? Read Deut. 27 and list three spiritual observations about Mt. Ebal and it's connection to Esau. Why do you think Mt. Ebal was used as the mountain of cursing for Israel?
  4. How did the Amalekites treat Israel when the nation was coming out of Egypt to Canaan? What did God promise to do as a result of this treatment? Where was this fulfilled later in the Old Testament? Justice and mercy are fundamental to God's character and plan. Where do you see both in God's treatment of the Amalekites and Israelites?
  5. Read Malachi 1:1–4. Does God's stance towards Esau surprise you? Why did God hate Esau so strongly? What does God hate and why? If an unbeliever asked you about this aspect of God's character, how would you respond?
  6. Technically the first kings in the area were Edomites. They built kingdoms, cities, and nations but all of those kingdoms eventually fell. What kingdom was God building? How did he build it? How was it worth the wait for Jacob (and us) to see the city that God builds rather than try to build our kingdom on earth?
  7. Esau serves as a good metaphor for Christians. Over the course of his life, he moved farther and farther away from God, his promises, and his people. Today, how do people raised in the church gradually move away from God? What are spiritual milestones you see in the lives of those who abide in Christ? How can you help those of the next generation to genuinely believe in the gospel and love the church?
  8. Esau and Jacob had a challenging home environment growing up. What kind of family dynamic did Isaac and Rebekah set for their sons? Do you think this is why Esau and Jacob had such an unsettled future? How much of a part do parents set in spiritual development? How much of our faith walk is a personal responsibility?
  9. Read Hebrews 12:16–17. What word is used to describe Esau? Why? What was so heinous about Esau's actions? Why couldn't he get a second chance?
  10. Read Romans 9:10–13. Who chose Jacob to carry the birthright? Did God make Esau sin? What does this cause you to admire about the mystery of God's providence?

Key Words/Phrase

Generations, v. 1.


Esau, Jacob.

Strong Verse(s)

6, 7.