Genesis Chapter 33 Summary

Jacob meets Esau. Settles in Canaan.

Discussion Questions for Genesis, Chapter 33

  1. Since they did not part on good terms, Esau greets Jacob in a surprising way. Do you believe the saying that “time can heal all things”? Read Proverbs 16:7. What are some more likely reasons for Esau's disposition? How much emphasis should we place on first impressions or lingering impressions of someone from years ago?
  2. Esau wanted Jacob to come with him to Seir in Edom. Was this a part of God's promised land to Jacob's descendants? If you need to refresh your memory on Esau's past with God, read Genesis 25:29–34. Why might Jacob not want to dwell in Seir?
  3. We see Jacob and Esau go back and forth on the acceptance of gifts. Have you ever gotten into an argument with someone about who pays for dinner or offers a gift? Are there selfish motivations for giving gifts? Why are we sometimes reluctant to receive gifts? How can we encourage generosity in the lives of others?
  4. Jacob's old, deceptive habits creep in again. What half-truths did he tell? Why did he not share the full truth with Esau? What does this teach you about God's grace and patience towards us? What are some of your sinful tendencies that appear when you're afraid or selfish?
  5. Jacob started a new life for himself and his family in Shechem. How did he build rapport with the people of that city? How did he demonstrate a testimony for God? How are you building bridges with people in your community today? In what ways can people see the witness and hand of God in your life?
  6. Do you think Jacob sinned by not visiting his brother? Being at peace doesn't mean we have to stay close to everyone. What people should we keep a safe distance from? Which people does God expect us to love closely and commit to serving?
  7. When an Old Testament believer builds an altar, it means something. What do you think Jacob intended to communicate with this altar? How might the pagan people of Shechem respond to this development?
  8. Do you think some Christians today would advise Jacob to be more subtle with his public witness? Why do you think that is? How might knowing the context that Shechem is a pagan, Canaanite, polytheistic city help us make those decisions? How can our Western cultural mindsets negatively impact our worship and evangelism?
  9. Jacob's life shows us that everywhere we go, our life is a testimony. Our words and our actions can point people toward God or lead them farther away from Him. Do you think it is wise for all Christians to consider themselves missionaries? Why or why not? How can we strategize with other believers to reach our city for Christ?
  10. Do Christians need to prioritize depth in our knowledge of God, breadth in evangelizing the nations, or both? Which end of the spectrum do you tend to lean toward? How can you cultivate a Christlike balance of breadth and depth?

Key Words/Phrase

Meeting, v. 4.


Jacob, Esau, Leah, Rachael, Joseph.

Strong Verse(s)