Genesis Chapter 31 Summary
Jacob's resolution to return. Laban's hot pursuit; their quarrel and final agreement.
Discussion Questions for Genesis, Chapter 31
- Jacob noticed that Laban and his family no longer viewed Jacob in a positive light. What seemed to be the problem? What did God appear to be doing through these circumstances? How do we reconcile mistreatment by people while still trusting God's sovereign will?
- Time and time again, when Jacob faced adversities, God showed His blessing. How did Laban view these provisions? What should be the believer's response when other people try to downplay God's blessing in our lives? How should we not respond to them? God protected Jacob from harm when Laban pursued him. Was Jacob right to leave the way he did? Why or why not? What does that teach us about God's grace?
- Why is it hard for believers to leave people, churches, or groups on a positive note? How would Jesus have left Laban's presence? Where can we take intentional steps to improve in these matters? Rachel's deception and theft of her father's idols were wrong. How might this reflect on their testimony and all God had done for Jacob?
- Jacob lost his temper with Laban and berated him for the years of mistreatment. Do you think Laban was deserving or undeserving of this treatment? Do you think Jacob should have resolved some of these issues earlier in his life? Why or why not? What are some challenges that believers face when they try to resolve conflicts?
- Laban and Jacob would never see eye to eye about how Jacob obtained his flocks. What did they decide to do about that? Do you think forgiveness is more of a feeling or a decision? Why or why not? What does true forgiveness look like? How did a “mound of witness” help Jacob and Laban pursue peace? Do you have any “mounds of witness” with somebody? What did that look like?
- Can you describe a time in your life when some relationships went sour, but God turned it for good? What does this do to our ability to trust God and others? When you went through seasons of change, what did you appreciate most about God?
- In today's workplace, how would people handle having their pay restructured ten times to benefit the boss and not the employee? Jacob knew that God was working through Laban's deceit and still blessed Jacob. How can God use our business and work for His glory? How can you use your paycheck to advance His kingdom interests?
- Do you think Jacob had the right to set some boundaries with Laban? Do you believe there is a time and place to limit the influence of manipulative people in your life and loved ones? How do we show grace to imperfect people while also standing up for what is right and true?
- In this passage, God kept His promise to preserve Abraham's seed by protecting Jacob from Laban. How does God protect His people today? What New Testament passages speak of God's protection and provision for His people? How can God's people invite His protection and guard themselves against the Evil One?
- In the end, Laban and Jacob were able to part on amicable terms. God worked the situation together for good. What does the awkward family moment teach us about trusting God? Do you have relational difficulties that seem impossible to overcome? How can you trust those relationships to God? How do we know if you're living in fear and manipulating others?
Key Words/Phrase
Flight, v. 21.
Laban, Jacob, Rachael, Leah.
Strong Verse(s)