Genesis Chapter 30 Summary
Jacob's posterity in Padan-aram. Another bargain between Jacob and Laban.
Discussion Questions for Genesis, Chapter 30
- How does Rachel's infertility mirror Abraham and Sarah's infertility? Why do you think infertility was such a difficult trial during this time period? If not you, who in your life have you seen experience the difficulties of infertility, and how did it impact them and their view of God? What are some ways that you can minister to those who cannot have children?
- Considering the number of women that Jacob slept with to bear children, do you think this process honored God? What irony can you find in Jacob's question in verse 3, “Am I in God's place?” (HCSB)? How does he proceed to act in just the opposite manner? In what ways have you tried to manipulate a situation for your desired outcome, and how did it turn out?
- How does this chapter change your perception of “biblical marriage”? What are ways that Jacob and Rachel dishonored the marriage bed by committing adultery with so many people? How would you counter someone who used this chapter as an attack on the Bible's standards for purity and marriage?
- Why do you think that Rachel thought, “God has vindicated me” (HCSB), when her slave bore Jacob a son? How does her envy of Leah play into this response? In what ways have you envied others, and what was your response? How do you think God responded to your envy?
- Mandrakes were a plant thought to enhance one's fertility. What does Reuben's suggestion of using the mandrakes for both Rachel and Leah tell us about their man-made solutions to their problems? What is a time in which you have gone first to an earthly solution for a problem instead of going to God in prayer?
- How does Laban deceive Jacob again? Why do you think Laban continually deceives Jacob? How does this play into the overall narrative of Jacob's sins against his family and how God is teaching him? How does this require trust in God on the part of Jacob? How have you been deceived or hurt by others, and how did you respond?
- Why did God bless Laban financially through Jacob? How does that fit into the narrative of God's blessing through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? Do you think it's fair that God blessed a liar and deceiver like Laban? How have you seen God allow evil people to be blessed around you? What should your response be when you see good things happen to bad people?
- How does Jacob respond to the deception of Laban? Does this represent cleverness and wisdom on Jacob's part? Why is it significant that God allowed Jacob to prosper in spite of the deception? Does God always allow you to prosper monetarily? How would your view of God be impacted if He caused you to be poor while others were wealthy?
- What is the significance of Laban understanding that Jacob caused him to be wealthy by “divination” (HCSB)? Because Leviticus 19:26 prohibits divination, what do you think this says about Laban's character? What does this teach you about how God uses even evil people and practices to accomplish His purposes?
- What role do the two slave girls of Rachel play in this whole narrative? What does this teach you about those who are forgotten and overlooked, or even oppressed and exploited? How have you seen God work in your life when you felt overlooked, forgotten, or used by others?
Key Words/Phrase
Blessed, t. 27.
Rachael, Jacob, Larban, Leah, Joseph.
Strong Verse(s)