Genesis Chapter 28 Summary

Jacob at Bethel and the Abrahamic covenant confirmed to him in a dream.

Discussion Questions for Genesis, Chapter 28

  1. Why is it significant that Isaac commanded Jacob, “Don't take a wife from the Canaanite women” (HCSB)? What role did Esau's marriage to the Hittite women in chapter 26 play in this fatherly command? What can you learn from these interactions about criteria for finding a spouse and maintaining a godly marriage and family?
  2. What is “the blessing of Abraham” (HCSB) that Isaac mentions in verse 4? What role do Isaac and eventually Jacob play in God's continued promise to Abraham? What does that teach you about God's faithfulness and trustworthiness, and how can you apply that to your life today?
  3. What made Esau go to “Ishmael” (HCSB) and marry another woman? Why did he respond in that way? Was “Mahalath” a Canaanite woman? Why do you think Esau had a change of heart after hearing his father's command to not “take a wife” (HCSB) from the Canaanites? How would you justify this additional marriage for Esau in the context of God's design for marriage?
  4. What is the significance of Jacob's dream in this chapter? If you refer to John 1:51, how does Jacob's dream foreshadow Jesus' ministry in the New Testament? What does this say about the continuity of God's prophecies and covenants throughout history? How does this strengthen your faith in God's work in your life?
  5. In what ways do God's promises in this dream echo God's promises to Abraham? Why is it important for God's Word to always align with itself? How does the promise that Jacob's descendants will “be like the dust of the earth” (HCSB) relate to God's global plan for evangelism? What role do you play in God's promises to Jacob, even today?
  6. What does Jacob's response to this dream tell you about his personal transformation? How does this change his perspective on who God is and how God was working in his life? What is an example of how God revealed Himself to you and changed your outlook on life?
  7. What is the significance of this place being “the house of God” (HCSB), or “Bethel” (HCSB)? What is the relationship between God's presence and God's promises in regard to Old Testament covenants? In what ways does this foreshadow the temple, and even more broadly, Jesus? How do you enter God's presence today?
  8. Why do you think Jacob chose to set up a pillar here as a physical reminder of his encounter with God? What role do or should symbols play in our walk with God? What are the things that you implement in your life that help remind you of God's work in your life, and how do they help you?
  9. Why is it important that Jacob “renames” the place where he encountered God? What does this say about the changing nature of an encounter with God? When did you first encounter God, and what immediate changes did you see?
  10. What is the significance of Jacob's words in verses 20-22? What do they reveal about his trust in God's provision and his acceptance of the future journey? In what ways do you recognize God's provision, and how have you committed to walking with God in your life?

Key Words/Phrase

Bethel (house of God), v. 19.


Isaac, Jacob, Laban, Esau, Ishmael, Mahalath, angels.

Strong Verse(s)

12, 15, 22.