Genesis Chapter 22 Summary

Offering of Isaac. Abrahamic covenant again confirmed.

Discussion Questions for Genesis, Chapter 22

  1. How does Abraham's willingness to sacrifice Isaac demonstrate his faith in God? Why do you think God commanded Abraham to go to such extreme measures? In what ways can you live out faith like Abraham in your own life?
  2. How do you imagine Isaac might have felt during this event? Do you think that this might have changed their relationship in any way? Why is it important that both Abraham and Isaac were obedient? How do you demonstrate obedience to God's commands in your life?
  3. What New Testament connection can you make from this chapter? What is the significance of God commanding Abraham to sacrifice his “only son” (HCSB)? How does this relate to Jesus? How does God sacrificing His “only son” impact how you view your salvation?
  4. What is the significance of “Moriah” (HCSB) in this chapter? Why do you think God commanded Abraham to go to a specific place? What are some spiritual “landmarks” that you have in your life, and why are they significant?
  5. How does Abraham's faith and obedience differ from his previous conversations with God, such as when God told Abraham that Sarah would bear a child in her old age? What do you think changed Abraham's heart? In what ways have you seen your obedience evolve after seeing God be true to His word?
  6. What is the significance of the ram in this passage? Why does it miraculously appear? How does the concept of animal sacrifice play into the New Testament picture of Jesus? What comes to your mind when you consider sacrifice?
  7. How does this chapter contribute to the biblical theme of “covenants”? Where does Abraham fit into that biblical narrative? Where do you fit into the covenants in the Bible, and how does that shape your understanding of God's Word?
  8. Why is it important that God commanded Abraham to offer Isaac as a “burnt offering” (HCSB)? How does this foreshadow or prophesy other sacrifices in the Old Testament? How does the sacrificial system explain God's laws and character? How do Old Testament sacrifices impact your life today?
  9. What is the conversation like between Abraham and Isaac? Why do you think Isaac so implicitly trusts Abraham? How does this father-son relationship reveal the Father-Son relationship between God the Father and God the Son? In what ways does this impact your own view of parent-child relationships?
  10. Why does God include the lineage of Abraham's brother, Nahor (HCSB)? How does genealogy in this passage reflect God's story? In what ways do you see God's story in your own lineage and genealogy?

Key Words/Phrase

Worship, v. 5.


God, Abraham, Isaac, angel.

Strong Verse(s)

15, 16, 17, 18.