Genesis Chapter 19 Summary
Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot's backsliding and escape.
Discussion Questions for Genesis, Chapter 19
- There are only two men (angels) that Lot sees come to Sodom. Abraham speaks with three men in Genesis 18 when he finds out about the impending judgment on Sodom. Who do you think was the third person, and what do you think happened to him?
- The two men come into Lot's house at his request. However, men, young and old, desire Lot to send the two guests out into the street so that they may have sex with them. How would you describe the social and moral status of Sodom based on this event? How does the image of this event affect people's views of homosexuality in today's society?
- Lot is willing to offer his two virgin daughters to the crowd of men in Genesis 19:7 so the men do not harm the two visitors. How do you evaluate Lot's mental state when he offers his daughters? Does he do it because of the strong belief in hospitality within the culture? Does he do it because he has so little regard for his daughters? Does he do it because he knows that the men are truly messengers from God? Explain your answer.
- The men of Sodom became increasingly angry with Lot in Gen. 19:10 and were about to break down the door when the two men grabbed Lot and brought him safely inside. The angels then struck the men closer to the door with blindness so that they grew tired of trying to find their way. The men of Sodom were clearly not thinking rationally. How does sin in a believer's life affect their judgment? How can a believer regain their awareness of right and wrong? Why do people try to justify their mistakes?
- The angels warn Lot to gather the rest of his family because God directed them to destroy the city due to the wickedness of the sin in the city. Lot's sons-in-law refused to go with him, thinking he was joking and that it wasn't going to happen. How are the people in today's world similar to the sons-in-law? How can believers reach people who have a little Bible knowledge and help them understand that God will not pass judgment on the earth?
- According to Genesis 19:15-17, Lot, his wife, and daughters lingered in the city, and the two angels had to remove them before they destroyed the city. How comfortable do you think Lot and his family had become living in Sodom, which was full of sin? How is this similar to believers in today's world? How can a believer remain separate from the world but still love the people?
- When the two angels tell Lot to flee Sodom, they tell him to flee to the hills. Lot pleads with them to allow him to flee to a small city, and they grant his request. When Lot left Abraham, he was a great herdsman and needed a great deal of land. Now he desires to live in the city. What do you think has happened to his mindset? What do you think caused the change? After fleeing the city of great sin, why wouldn't Lot desire a change to rural life?
- According to Genesis 19:23-24, the angels destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah after Lot and his family had arrived in Zoar. Genesis 19:26 says that Lot's wife did not heed the angels' warning and looked back, becoming a pillar of salt. If Lot and his family had already arrived safely in Zoar, unlike most common pictorials of the scene, how does Lot's wife look back? Does she physically look back, or does she metaphorically look back, missing the life she once had? Regardless of how poor a previous time in life was, why do many look back on that period with fondness?
- After Lot's wife became a pillar of salt, he and his daughters left Zoar to go to the surrounding hills. Why do you think Lot changed his mind about settling in the hills?
- Genesis 19:30 says that Lot left Zoar to go live in the hills, and in 19:31, the daughters launch a plan to seduce their father because there was no man to have a relationship with. After just leaving a city, why would the daughters think they needed to do this to have children? How do you think the daughters were influenced to do this? Their sons are the ancestors of the Moabites and Ammonites, two long-term enemies of Israel. How do you think God works all things to His plan? How can we place faith in God even in destruction and despair?
Key Words/Phrase
Destruction, v. 13.
Angels, Lot and family, Abraham, Moab, Benammi.
Strong Verse(s)
27, 29.