Genesis - Chapter-16

Chapter Summary

Birth of Ishmael.

Discussion Questions for Genesis, Chapter 16

  1. Sarai gives Hagar at the beginning of Genesis 16 to Abram so she can have a son through Hagar her bondservant. This is in hopes of fulfilling God's promise to Abram. Whose responsibility is it to fulfill God's promises? How often do we lose the full blessing of God by trying to do His work in our life? Can you describe a time that you decided to do things your own way without waiting on God's provisions? How do you know that is what took place in the situation? Describe the events that let you know you had done things on your own and not wait for God's provision.
  2. Hagar is a bondservant to Sarai and thus must obey Sarai's commands. After Hagar gives birth, Sarai mistreats Hagar forcing Hagar to runaway in the wilderness. God makes promises to Hagar that her son will have multiple offspring. How do the events of Genesis 16 demonstrate God's love of all human life? Is God a respecter of persons? Why or why not?
  3. In Genesis 16:2 it says that Abram listens to Sarai and agrees to Sarai's plan so he can have children. Why does Abram agree with Sarai's plan? How often in our own lives do we try to do God's mission on our own understanding?
  4. Genesis 16:5 Sarai blames Abram for her anger toward Hagar even though it was her plan. Why is Sarai justified to blame Abram for the situation? How is this situation similar to the events that take place in Garden of Eden between Adam and Eve? If you are a male, what lessons can you apply to your life based on the exchange between Abram and Sarai?
  5. Abram tells Sarai to deal with Hagar how she wants since Hagar is her bondservant. What does this demonstrate about Abram's relationship with Hagar? What does this reveal about his character?
  6. Hagar's son's name is Ishmael and is believed to be a forefather of one of the Muslim nations. Genesis 16:12 prophecies about him, "He shall be a wild donkey of a man, his hand against everyone and everyone's hand against him, and he shall dwell over against all his kinsmen.” His kinsmen will be the Jewish nation that comes from Abram's younger son Isaac. How has the prophecy been fulfilled in modern culture and how does it affect society even today?
  7. After viewing the events of Genesis 16, how would you describe Sarai's leadership abilities? How would you describe Abraham's leadership abilities? What are lessons we can learn from poor leadership demonstrated in the chapter?
  8. Sarai becomes jealous of Hagar even though it is Sarai's idea for Abram to have a child with Hagar. What does the unseen anger that rises teach about the sanctimony of marriage? How are humans able to predict and control their emotions?
  9. Knowing the anger and conflict that would arise throughout history as seen in the prophecy concerning Ishmael, why does God allow Ishmael to live? How does God demonstrate his sovereignty throughout history in this single act in Genesis 16?
  10. Hagar is an obvious victim in the story in Genesis 16. However, does the Bible really allow us to feel empathy for her? Why or why not?

Key Words/Phrase

Despised, v. 4.


Sarah, Abram, Hagar, Angel, Ishmael.

Strong Verse(s)