Genesis - Chapter-13

Chapter Summary

Abram's return to the land and the altar. Separation from Lot. Lots backsliding and choice of the land.

Discussion Questions for Genesis, Chapter 13

  1. Genesis 13 opens with Abram and Lot returning back to Canaan with great wealth. Based on their wealth, what do you think is Abram and Lot's relationship standing with God? What type of effect did Abram's lying about Sarai in Genesis 12 have on his relationship with God?
  2. Abram gave Lot first choice of location when they decided they needed to separate because of their wealth. What does this indicate about Abram's personality? How does it align with the events we read about in Genesis 12? Would you consider Abram a sincere person? Why or why not?
  3. When Lot made his choice in Genesis 13:11, what do you think were his criteria in selecting the land? We see a reference to Sodom and Gomorrah because of the future destruction. What type of criteria would Lot have used in hindsight to select the land for he and his family?
  4. Why do you think Abram's eyes were cast down in Genesis 13:12 as Lot selected his land?
  5. God promises Abram that he and his offspring will keep the land forever, We know from history that several times the Jews were removed from the land but are currently occupying it. Did God keep His promise that the land will remain with Abram's offspring forever? If so, why since we know Israel sinned multiple times and betrayed God?
  6. What do you think were the Canaanites and Perizzites mentioned in Genesis 13:7 reaction to these two large families with great wealth moving into their land? How would different countries react to this migration in today's society?
  7. Why do you think Abram and Lot believe that they could move freely from country to country and even choosing land that they could settle without checking with other tribes that may consider the land to theirs?
  8. Reflecting on Abram and Lot's separation, what lessons can be learned about resolving conflicts and making decisions based on faith and trust in God?
  9. The land of Canaan is later described as land flowing with milk and honey. Why do you think the land could not support both Abram and Lot?
  10. In what ways did Abram's faith and trust in God grow throughout the events described in Genesis 13?

Key Words/Phrase

Separation, v. 9.


Abram, Lot.

Strong Verse(s)

4, 17, 18.