Genesis Chapter 12 Summary
Call of Abram. His worship and testing. The error in Egypt.
Discussion Questions for Genesis, Chapter 12
- God tells Abram to continue traveling, leaving his native land at the beginning of Genesis 12. God promises Abram that he will be blessed, and the families of the earth will be blessed because of him. It was a tremendous act of faith by Abram to obey and to go. Remember, he does not have the history written down in the Bible yet. How would you react if you were Abram and were told to leave your native country? Have you had to demonstrate great faith in your life? If so, can you describe it to others?
- God tells Abram that He will bless those who bless him and will dishonor those who dishonor Abram in Genesis 12:3. Many use this scripture as the basis for the United States' policy toward Israel. What are the benefits and negatives of using scripture as the basis for policy? What could be possible conflicts in the future?
- Abram tells Sarai to tell people in Egypt, when they travel there, that she is his sister. She is beautiful, and Abram is afraid they will kill him if they believe she is his wife. How does this affect your view of Abram, who just received great promises from God?
- Abram tells Sarai to say that she is his sister in Genesis 12:14. Abram and Sarai had the same father, but different mothers. Later, God condemns incest in the law given to Moses. Why God not condemn Abram and Sarai's relationship?
- Abram receives a better social standing for a short period of time in Pharaoh's house because of Sarai's beauty. However, God strikes Pharaoh's household because he was about to take Sarai as his wife. Which person does God protect more in this event: Abram, Sarai, or Pharaoh? Explain your answer.
- Sarai agrees to Abram's plan and tells everyone in Egypt that she is his sister. Pharaoh was about to make her his wife. Nowhere in the account do we see Sarai try to stop the plans of either man. Was she able to stop either one in the culture from imposing their will on her? What was Sarai's role in the beginning of the long narrative concerning the children of Israel? What role do you wish she had?
- God has Abram erect a memorial altar as he enters Canaan in Genesis 12. This occurs throughout Genesis and Exodus, and it helps to signify a major event in history. How much should people pay reference to memorial statues, etc., to honor history? Why are the memorials important? Should we erect memorials for negative events? Why or why not?
- God has not given Moses the commandments yet, and one of the commandments is not to bear false witness or lie. Did Abram and Sarai sin when they did not say Sarai was Abram's wife since the law had not been given yet? Why or why not?
- How much do you think God regretted making the covenant with Abram at the beginning of Genesis 12 when immediately Abram turns and lies about Sarai being his sister? How much do you think God regrets saving us through the blood of Jesus when we almost immediately sin after our confession of faith?
- At the end of Genesis 12, Pharaoh just commands Abram and Sarai to leave after he finds out the truth. Why doesn't Pharaoh sentence Abram to prison or, worse, even death when he finds out the truth? How does this reflect God's grace to Abram?
Key Words/Phrase
Sojourners, v. 10.
Abram, Sarai, Lot, Pharaoh.
Strong Verse(s)
3, 8.