Genesis Chapter 1 Summary

Original creation and the renovating of earth for habitation of man. Creation of animal and human life.

Discussion Questions for Genesis, Chapter 1

  1. Genesis 1 shows how God creates everything, including human beings, by speaking it into existence. Then He creates human beings in His image. Who created God? If God is a created being, how does it affect a believer's faith in God?
  2. According to Genesis 1, God creates six different parts of creation in six days. Carbon dating suggests the world took millions of years to create. Did God create the universe and everything contained within in six literal days? Why or why not? How does our belief in a literal creation affect our faith in God and Scripture?
  3. At the end of each day of creation, God pronounces His creation to be good. Yet, we look around our world today and see multiple natural disasters taking human lives and creating billions of dollars in damage. Has the world stopped being good? If so, how did it become bad or even evil? What was human beings' influence upon creation?
  4. Genesis 1:26 says, “Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.'” According to the scripture, God is using the first person plural, referring to someone else in addition to Himself. Who is God referring to? Did this person (or thing) help God create the rest of creation? How are human beings' image and likeness like God's?
  5. Genesis 1:28 tells male and female to “be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it.” Based on this, do you think it is appropriate for a married couple to avoid having children or to prevent pregnancy? Why or why not?
  6. In Genesis 1:3, God begins His creation on the first day by saying, “Let there be light.” In Genesis 1:14-19, it clearly describes the creation of the sun on the fourth day. What is the light in verse 3 created on the first day? How does it help give life since vegetation is created on the third day according to Genesis 1:11-13? Remember that plants need light to create photosynthesis to grow.
  7. What is the expanse called Heaven, separating the waters mentioned in Genesis 1:6-8, created on the second day? Do you believe this Heaven is the literal Heaven where God resides? Is it referring to the heavens, such as the sky or space? Land is created on the third day, so what are the waters mentioned in the description of the creation of the expanse named Heaven? How does the creation of the second Heaven affect our view of God and the greater universe?
  8. Each day of creation in Genesis ends with “there was evening and there was morning,” insinuating that each day begins with the sunset. Some cultures continue with this belief. If Western civilization were to use the sunset as the beginning of the day, how would this affect people? What does this say about the construct of time?
  9. Most translations capitalize different words in Genesis 1. What is the significance of the words Day, Night, Heaven, and Earth being capitalized? How do these items affect our lives or our beliefs?
  10. Genesis 1:2 says that God created the earth without form (shape) and void (empty). Even though God begins to fill the earth with His created beings and plants, He never gives the earth a specific shape in Scripture. How has this influenced mankind throughout history? Is there really significance in the lack of description of the shape of the earth? If so, what is the significance to human beings?

Key Words/Phrase

Beginnings, v. 1.


God, v. 1. Spirit, v. 2. Christ, v. 26 (See Col. 1:15-17; John 1:3) first man and woman.

Strong Verse(s)

1, 27.