Galatians Chapter 5 Summary

Liberty of the believer in Christ, apart from the law. Conflict of flesh and the Spirit. Christian character the result of the Spirit's work not self-effort.

Discussion Questions for Galatians, Chapter 5

  1. If Christ has set us free from sin, why do we return to it on a regular basis? What sin have you returned to after salvation?
  2. Is there any reason (beyond a medical need) that people should get circumcised today? What purpose does circumcision have? What about baptism? Are they the same? Why or why not?
  3. Does verse 4 make the case that a person can lose their salvation? Can a person lose their salvation? Why or why not? Use Scripture to make your case.
  4. Go back and read Galatians 2:21. How does this connect to 5:11? What point is Paul trying to make? Why is it so vital that we live under the cross and not under the Law?
  5. Some people use God’s grace towards us as a cheap grace, a grace that costs us nothing. If the Lord will continuously forgive our sins forever, why do we need to stop sinning?
  6. Read John 8:36. Has the Lord set you free? What fruit do you see in your life that relates to this?
  7. If a tree grows fruit, is it the tree that gets to enjoy the fruit? Who enjoys the fruit? Who gets to enjoy the fruit of the Spirit? Why is this important to keep in mind?
  8. How can a person develop the fruit of the Spirit? What tangible steps can a person take to grow this fruit?
  9. Sometimes it is hard to tell if the word “fruit” is singular or plural in English, but the ancient Greek word used for “fruit” in verse 22 is singular. This means that Paul is not referring to a collection of fruits, but one singular fruit. How does this affect the way we should understand the fruit of the Spirit?
  10. Do you see both the works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit in your life? If the Lord has set you free from the things of the flesh, why do we still deal with these things? How can you take steps to set aside your flesh today?

Key Words/Phrase

Liberty, vv. 1, 13. Flesh and Spirit, v. 16.


Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul.

Strong Verse(s)

1, 6, 14, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24.