Galatians Chapter 4 Summary

Believers full redemption from the law. Sonship through the Spirit. Dangers of lapsing into legality. Impossibility of mixing law and grace.

Discussion Questions for Galatians, Chapter 4

  1. Paul talks about us being in bondage to elemental forces (verse 3, CSB). What are some modern-day “elemental forces” that can distract or hinder our spiritual growth? How does being aware of these forces help avoid them?
  2. In what ways can we apply the concept of being sons and daughters of God to our daily lives and relationships? How does being a child of the Creator alter your perception of reality?
  3. What does freedom in Christ mean to you personally? How does it differ from worldly ideas of freedom?
  4. What special days, months, seasons, and years might Paul have been referencing in verse 10 (CSB)? Why would Paul consider his labor wasted as a result of this?
  5. Reflecting on Paul's warning about falling back into slavery, what are some common pitfalls or temptations that can lead us away from the freedom we have in Christ? What steps can you take to recognize and run from those temptations when they come up?
  6. How can we avoid legalism while still honoring God’s commands? Where should we draw the line?
  7. Verses 21–31 discuss the story of Hagar and Sarah. How does this story (found in Genesis 16) highlight the difference between living under law and living in grace?
  8. Sometimes the truth can cause division if one party does not want to accept the truth. How do you know what is true? How can you reduce the division that is caused when truth needs to prevail?
  9. Paul compares the Galatian church (and all readers) to Isaac, the child of promise (verse 28, CSB). In what ways are you also the child of promise? What makes you a child of promise? As a child of promise, how does that change the way you perceive your life?
  10. Using the logic found in Galatians 4, are Jews (those who follow the Law) saved, or part of the Church? Why or why not?

Key Words/Phrase

Bondage and grace, vv. 3, 5.


God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul, Abraham, Hagar, Isaac.

Strong Verse(s)

4, 5, 6.