Choose a chapter to view the questions

  • Galatians, Chapter 1: The Gospel Paul preached, a revelation not tradition.
  • Galatians, Chapter 2: Paul's journey to Jerusalem and His contest for the truth. Justification by faith in Christ without works.
  • Galatians, Chapter 3: Gift of Spirit by faith apart from law-works. Man under lawworks is under the law curse. Christ bears the law curse that we might have the faith blessing. The true intent of the law.
  • Galatians, Chapter 4: Believers full redemption from the law. Sonship through the Spirit. Dangers of lapsing into legality. Impossibility of mixing law and grace.
  • Galatians, Chapter 5: Liberty of the believer in Christ, apart from the law. Conflict of flesh and the Spirit. Christian character the result of the Spirit's work not self-effort.
  • Galatians, Chapter 6: The regenerated life as a brotherhood of believers.