Ezra Chapter 9 Summary
The remnant loses its separated position. Ezra's prayer and confession.
Discussion Questions for Ezra, Chapter 9
- What sin is Ezra appalled to hear that Israel has committed? Why would it have been so appalling to him? In this act, whom did they sin against, and how? Why is this so significant?
- In verse 2, Israel is called a “holy race” (ESV). Was it their own character which made them holy? If not, why do you think they were considered holy? Do you think this designation made them greater than any other race at the time? Why or why not?
- Do you believe that Israel’s status as exiles excused their sinful behavior? Did the fact that they did not know the Law of God mean they were not disobeying Him? Why or why not? Do you think there has ever been a time in your life where God excused your sinful behavior because of extenuating circumstances? Why or why not?
- How did Ezra react upon hearing that his people had sinned? Do you believe this was an overreaction, based on what they did? Why or why not? Do you think believers today take sin as seriously as Ezra did in this moment? If not, why might that be?
- In his prayer to God, what does Ezra prioritize first? When you pray, do you take the time to humbly acknowledge your sin before God? What might be keeping you from doing this? How might doing so affect your relationship with God?
- When asking forgiveness for the sins of Israel, does Ezra attempt to make excuses for their behavior? Is acknowledging guilt in this way something that you find easy to do? Why or why not?
- According to Ezra, how was God showing favor towards his people? Were they deserving of this? What does this tell us about the character of God? Why is it important for believers today to recognize this?
- Why do you think God made such a command to forbid Israel from intermarrying with other peoples? Do you believe he was right to do so? Why or why not?
- Multiple times Ezra uses the word “remnant” to describe Israel (ESV). Why do you think he uses this word? How does it demonstrate the grace of God? His mercy?
- According to verse 15, was anyone worthy to stand blameless before the Lord? Is anyone worthy to do so today? If not, why? If yes, what has changed?
Key Words/Phrase
Confession, v. 6.
God, Ezra.
Strong Verse(s)
6, 13, 14.